Ministry to create over 20,000 jobs in technology, innovation

ADDIS ABABA – Over two thousand technology centered micro and small enterprises will be set up in the coming two years that could directly create job opportunities for 20,000 people who could produce various technological products expected to join the global market, said the Ministry of Technology and Innovation.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, State Minister of Technology and Innovation Jemal Beker said over the next two years, there will be many small and medium scale manufacturing enterprises that have the capacity to produce innovative businesses, and those would able to assist the development activities in the country. To make it an income generating sector, the government will provide support for the setting up of two thousand small scale and service provider institutions, he stated.

As to Jemal, financial support is also available for those who are starting problem-solving businesses in the manufacturing and service sector, particularly for those engaged in mobile and computer applications, robotics, and other innovations. It is expected that the establishment of such micro-enterprises will create the capacity to operate 22 billion USD in the economy, he said.

As most of the developed countries sustain their economic growth through science and technology, efforts are being made in Ethiopia to support young people with innovative ideas and knowledge.

Apart from establishing innovative institutions, the Ministry has been engaged in laying the foundation in the digital economy and agricultural technology sectors which will benefit more than 100 thousand people in the country, Jemal stated.

As to him, the Ministry also focused on promoting various innovative professions especially in modern agriculture and healthcare services through financial and material support. Financial support will be provided for young people and women who want to involve in clean energy alternatives, Jemal explained.

“To lay the foundation, various efforts will be carried out in the current fiscal year particularly in terms of expanding the legal procedures, technology facilitation and financial options. All those who have the ability to invent problem-solving innovations need to work together with the respective government institutions to transform the model into action.”

 He also said various countries, United States, Israel, and South Korea, have brought tangible outcomes from the innovation of agricultural technology sector. The experiences taken from such countries will be framed and cascaded in line with Ethiopia’s capability to foster job creation in the technology sector, the Minister highlighted.

As to him, the Ministry has now planned to provide support for people who have innovative ideas in science and technology. To make this happen, a technology roadmap has been developed in 24 sectors.

The Ethiopian Herald September 21/2019


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