Ethiopia sheltering close to one mln refugees: State Minister

ADDIS ABABA–The government of Ethiopia is currently providing protection a close to one million refugees (mostly youth, women and children) from some 26 countries, disclosed Minister of Peace.

Zeynu Jemal, State Minister of Ministry of Peace briefed journalists that the heavy flow of refugees since last few years has made Ethiopia one of the largest refugee hosting countries in the world.

Ethiopia is currently hosting the refugees in 27 camps, mainly located in the least developed parts of the country and other non-camp locations including the capital, Addis Ababa.

He said that despite diverse socio-economic and political challenges within the country, the government of Ethiopia has maintained its long-standing open-door asylum policy for refugees seeking protection and assistance in the country.

According to him, in collaboration with several partners, the government has continued introducing new initiates to responds to the multi-faceted needs of refugees through creating strong linkage among humanitarian assistance, development interventions and peace-building initiatives.

He noted that since 2016, there have been wide-range of efforts towards sustainably improving the lives of both refugees and host communities. The government has made progress in reviewing and analyzing the existing legal and institutional frameworks that govern the refugees.

He further reiterated that as part of the country-wide socio-economic and political reforms, the government has also took very commendable measures with a view to creating conductive legal and policy environment as well as effective institutional arrangements covering all aspects of refugees in the country.

All refugee children in the country are provided with access to inclusive and quality education. And also, significant numbers of refugees are studying in governmental and private higher education institution. The refugees are also enrolled in different technical and vocational education and trainings institutions, according to him.

He stated that the government has already guaranteed the refugees an equal access to vital events registration regardless of their nationality and status.

Following the generous allocation of 10,000 hectares of irrigable land by the government and with the direct support from partners to the construction of irrigation infrastructure, refugees and the host communities are now producing crops and fruits and benefiting from it on equal basis, he said.

 “We are currently working to expand such best practices to other refugee-hosting regions considering area-based approaches.”

For Ethiopia, protecting and assisting refugees is part of its ancient history, dating back to the 7th century and the country continues to receive new arrivals from South Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald September 20/2019


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