Premier confers French Minister

ADDIS ABABA– Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed met with the Minister of French Republic Culture Ministry, Franck Riester yesterday to discuss progress on the restoration work of the Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela and the Jubilee Palace, currently being supported by France.

 Noting the strengthened relations between the two countries, Dr. Abiy recounted the immense support of President Emmanuel Macron and encouraged expediting the restoration works.

Mr. Riester on his part expressed his visit as a commitment of President Macron to the preservation of heritages important to both countries, and to sharing technical expertise and skills.

While studies to determine restoration needs are nearing completion for the Jubilee Palace, the technical work is expected to begin in a few months towards readying the Palace for tourism as developing the sector is one of the pillars of job creation and attracting investments for Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Herald September 20/2019


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