Ethiopian working for best interest of the region

ADDIS ABABA- The resumption of flights to Eritrean capital Asmara and Somalia’s Mogadishu goes along with the best interest of the Horn countries’ commercial and people-to-people ties, Ethiopian Airlines Group said. The group also announced it has successfully accommodated 2018 Hajj pilgrims.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Group CEO Tewolde GebereMariam said that the recommencement of air connectivity among the three Horn of African countries is crucial in bring about economic integration in the region.
Both Eritrea and Somalia have big Diaspora communities, Tewolde said, adding that the resumption of flights avail members of the Diaspora opportunity to utilize Ethiopian extensive routes and the airliner’s seamless service would also help them to visit their countries frequently.

He said that the flight renewals are essential in attracting Eritrean and Somalian investors to benefit from Ethiopia’s wider investment opportunities and a comparatively big market whilst encouraging their Ethiopian counterparts to do business in the respective countries. The flights are also equally important in revitalizing the people-to-people ties of the Horn of Africa countries.

The CEO noted that the move would play a significant role in bringing the three countries closer and Ethiopian would also be serving as a bridge among Eritrea, Somalia and the rest of the world. By the same token, the free movement of people contributes in advancing the trade and investment relations of the trio.

It was stated that the E-Visa service that the Ethiopian Airlines has introduced recently for international visitors is helpful for Eritrean and Somalian visitors to apply, pay and secure their entry visa online.

Noting Ethiopian flies twice daily to Asmara, Tewolde said that the airliner has plan to commence cargo service to Mogadishu to export the country’s rich sea food products to international market.
Whilst Ethiopian Airlines commenced flights to Asmara after 20 years in last July, the Mogadishu trip restarted after 40 years in early this month.

Concerning the strained of Hajji pilgrims at Bole International Airport, Group Chief Commercial Officer Busera Awol said that the problem caused by the Hajji Organizing Committee bring in additional pilgrims, which it planned to travel them by Saudi Arabian Airlines, to the airport. The pilgrims arrived the airport before the airline was granted permit to additional flight by Saudi Arabian government and they had to wait till the permit settled.

Furthermore, Hajji pilgrims from Ethiopian Somali State came late for travel due to the then security issues, said Busrea, adding that the airlines had its level best to accommodate the pilgrims and availed meal and other accommodations during the flight waiting time.
The airline accommodated all the pilgrims by arranging additional flights, he noted.



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