Effective diplomats for effective economic diplomacy

As a developing nation, the priority agenda of Ethiopia is ensuring the well-being of its citizens by attaining successive economic progress.

Accordingly, the Ethiopian government sees its diplomatic relations from the perspective of achieving long-term economic development goals to bring about meaningful change in the lives of its citizens. That is why it has adopted economic diplomacy with a view to utilizing its foreign and diplomatic relation to achieve economic ends.

It is a tradition that Ethiopia has for long been a key player in terms of regional and continental diplomacy. The country is one of the oldest states in the world to form diplomatic relations with various countries since ancient times. In the dawn of the 20th century, Ethiopia was one of the only two independent countries during the times of colonization.

It played a key role during the establishment of the then Organization of African Unity and now the African Union. It is this background that enabled the country to become the seat of the African Union, the Economic Commission for Africa and other international organizations and diplomatic missions. On the other hand, despite this background, Ethiopia’s place in international diplomacy has been severely held back by its level of economic development.

Put it simply, its underdevelopment has prevented it from being a key player in international diplomacy. That is why, over the past couple of years, Ethiopia’s foreign policy mirrored its priority agenda, i.e. achieving economic development. Hence, economic diplomacy has become the leading principle of Ethiopia’s diplomatic relations. Obviously, Ethiopia’s successive economic growth achievements over the past decade or so have enabled it to attract a lot of attention from the international community.

And it would be reasonable to pursue economic diplomacy as a principle to further invigorate this achievement. The philosophical underpinning of the country’s foreign and national security policies also gives due emphasis to diplomatic engagements that aim at advancing the country’s rapid economic development and regional economic integration. As a country that emerged out of turmoil, Ethiopia has been striving to achieve peace, stability, democracy, and sustainable development both internally and regionally.

Putting economic diplomacy at the center of it all, the country transforms the political relations it creates with countries to mutually beneficial economic prosperity. Ethiopia’s emergence as the leading country in attracting Foreign Direct Investment also shows the effectiveness of its economic diplomacy. These days, many nations across the world are willing to engage in mutual dialogue and bilateral economic and political ties with Ethiopia.

This means the country’s diplomats have fitting situation to engage in successful economic diplomacy. And the recent appointment of ambassadors and diplomats by the government based on merits is seen as a boon to Ethiopia’s success in economic diplomacy. What is expected from the new appointees is to engage in fruitful economic diplomacy to lure more economic support and attract investors to energize the country’s economic advancement.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 3/2019


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