Biogas technology benefits 25,000 households . Potential to benefit 4.1 million households

ADDIS ABABA –The introduction of biogas technology has benefited more than 25,000 households by reducing the use of traditional fuels and workload since 2009 National Biogas Program (NBP) said.

Temesgen Tefera, NBP Program Manager told The Ethiopian Herald that since 2009 nearly 25,000 biogas plants have been installed in various parts of the country. “And it has been helping to improve the living condition of community, particularly of women and children by reducing domestic workload.”

The application of biogas technology is also contributing to meeting the agendas of the green economy.

As biogas serves as source of as lighting, clean cooking, organic fertilizer, and emissions reduction, the office is planning to benefit 36,000 households until 2020 in eight states.

Speaking of the national biogas potential noting the country’s abundant livestock potential, he said that any farmer who has four and more heads of cattle could be the beneficiary of technology, but it needs water accessibility.

According to surveys, 4.1 million households across the country can access biogas. “This is an untapped energy potential,” he said.

Technical problems, lack of coordination and promotion and less engagement of the privet actors in the sector are hindering the development of biogas technology in the country, he said.

Biogas can also be a source of foreign currency through carbon finance. “For instance, if the country installs biogas technologies in 39,000 households, we can earn over 8.1 million USD per year from World Bank as it will enable the country to reduce a significant amount of carbon emission,” he said.

The Ethiopian Herald September 19, 2019


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