MoFA reforms to help ensure diplomatic might, development: Experts

ADDIS ABABA– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) current reforms will help the country to raise its diplomatic relations in the international arena and facilitate development in the hinterland, Experts claim.

The Ministry has assigned new diplomats on the basis of educational back ground, per-request knowledge and qualities of negotiating and convincing, as part of its institutional reforms. The success and failure of diplomatic activities have to be measured with tangible results.

Diplomats have to aggressively work in bearing successful economic achievements in terms of investment and search for international trade, identify country’s priority in his/ her career, Shamebo Fetamo, former Ambassador of Ethiopia to Djibouti and currently serving as Consulate Affairs Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told The Ethiopian Herald.

Ambassador Shamebo added that since the 1970s, the world has given due attention for the economic diplomacy. For a diplomat, working towards contributing to the development of a given nation is a must along with establishing bilateral relation and maintaining strategic partnership.

He further pointed that, the diplomacy alone couldn’t bear fruit unless it goes in partnership with other institutions. And the reform will ensure diplomatic success, according him. Dr. Kenenisa Lemi, Professor of Business and Economics in Jimma University on his part stated that before the implementation of the reform there had been limitations in involving Diasporas in the economic diplomacy.

There had been draw backs to take advantage of Ethiopian born nationals. Thus, Ethiopia’s over-sea community used to look upon diplomats as ignorant and to have been frequently observed to oppose them, added Kenenisa who is also the Dean of the Business Faculty. In the past, the foreign direct investment was mainly relay on countries of the Orient.

The newly implemented reform will thus alleviate gaps in involving the western world in the investment sector.” Kenenisa pointed out that other institutions working in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to take similar measures so that the country can be benefited from the reforms. The Ethiopian Investment Commission and others relevant executive institutions are expected to undertake extensive organizational reforms in order to contribute for the eradication of poverty and economic development.

Dr. Atlaw Alemu, Head of Economics Department, Addis Ababa University (AAU) has also appreciated the initiation of the Ministry for better performance. According to him, under taking such reforms are essential. He further emphasized that the appointment of diplomats on the base of political proximity with the ruling party made the country’s diplomacy in remain in its infancy. As Diplomacy is a key component to be competitive in the globalized world, the country is urged to scale up best practices of nations across the globe.

The experts stressed that it is significant to adopt best practices in the field, particularly from the countries of the Far East which have gone far and become successful in doing so. They also recommended that the newly assigned diplomats should serve with dedication and commitment with mobilization of Ethiopian born nationals in the respective country they are assigned. They further warned that if the economic diplomacy fails, the scarce of foreign currency will continue, unemployment may be worsened. Tourism and investment will be wilt.

Thus, the vision to create prosperous nation will only be a figment of imagination and tentative gesture, according to the report filed by the Amhraic Daily Addis Zemen.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 3/2019


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