Kafficho people’s societal assets must be shared nationwide: Premier

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed urged the Kafficho people to share their invaluable societal assets that

 enable them to forge peaceful coexistence with neighbors apart from nurturing nature and environment.

He made the remark while addressing the public at Bonga Stadium Sunday. As to the Premier, the historic and societal assets of the Kafficho people has had for centuries such as peaceful co-existence with nature and surrounding, self-administration, building strong institutions, reasonable

 division of labor among others and so he called upon the residents to share their assets with Ethiopians all over the country.

 At the end of his speech, he was given a horse, a sword and shield by the zonal administration and elders of the area, according to office of the Prime Minister.

In related news ,the premier held extensive discussion with the representatives of the Kaffaa zone residents, questions of regional structure, infrastructure such as road, water, health and library, utilization of resources, unemployment, investment and others were raised.

Responding to the questions raised, the Prime Minister said he would consult relevant bodies and revert to answer as much as possible.

To attract investors the residents need to collaborate in a civilized manner, he added, what the people of Kaffa did to live with nature is commendable.

He further added, regional reconfiguration will not answer all questions but encouraged them to work with the regional administration to define and identify better working modalities.

He concluded by saying now is the time to work in the spirit of MEDEMER (synergy) to be able to create a prosperous Ethiopia, the office indicated.

The premier along with Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen and Minister of Defense Lema Megersa paid a visit to Kaffa zone, SNNP state and talked with residents there.

The Ethiopian Herald September 17/2019


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