Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia exchange views to step up labor pact

ADDIS ABABA – Labor and Social Affairs Minister Dr. Ergoge Tesfaye exchanged held talks on Monday with Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Ethiopia Sami Jamil Abdullah on ways the two countries fully implement the recently signed labor recruitment pact.

During the discussion, the Minister applauded the role the Ambassador has played in the resumption of sending Ethiopian employees to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the principal Ethiopian domestic workers’ hiring country.

The Ambassador on his part appreciated the Ministry’s efforts in deterring illegal migration and enabling citizens travel to Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries legally.

Ambassador Sami further reaffirmed his government’s unwavering commitment toprotect the rights and benefits of Ethiopian domestic workers in Saudi Arabia.

The two sides also reached consensus to work in concert to improve theworking situation of Ethiopian citizens in the Kingdom and enhance information exchange, according to Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

The Ethiopian Herald September 17/2019


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