Taming inflation that has no apparent reason

Ever sky-rocketing prices on consumption goods are getting citizens’ back to the corner.

Specially those at the lower income bracket are suffering the brunt of the tragic drama orchestrated by those whose goal goes beyond amassing undue wealth overnight— brewing the anger of low income groups and marring the good people-to-government chemistry.

As the inflation has no palpable reason to stomach, undoubtedly, it could be annoying to many. Even the prices of vegetables produced at the outskirt of Addis Ababa, out of a sudden, are showing price hike under no grounds. This could make the mob point its finger at the government.

The economic sabotage under the guise of the invisible arm controlling the transaction as per market economy could be traced back to a political one, for it is clear that if a cat is cornered it could grope for its assailant’s neck.

What makes the situation tragic is the fact that the inflation has surfaced at a time when the country is congratulating itself over the ball of reform it got rolling and which is embraced by the majority.

As such, there is enough room to entertain doubt that the inflation could be the machination of few who have grudge on the reform that scythed the straws which afforded them unrestrained sips from nations’ wealth, which was subject to government-sponsored corruption.

Those who have the money could hoard consumption goods to create shortages, which is naturally attended by increments of prices of the goods in short supply.

As a veil those out to create discomfort use brokers and agents. This unfolding is one of the artificial hurdles the displeased are putting on the new path of continuous reform which could pave a way for national consensus, democracy and prosperity.

Hence, parallel to seeking ways of taming the inflation via organizing consumers associations, seeing to the supply of consumption good at affordable prices, stabilizing

the economy is a must. Those who push the price of consumption goods for no apparent reasons must be accountable for their action; for unless checked in good time this heinous motives of theirs could go a long way in creating aftershocks.

Here, there is a call for checking and monitoring the supply chain and modernizing it.

Through continuous discussions, producers, retailers and consumers must make a market triangle to comb out selfish and impish brokers and agents that parasitize on the market.

At this juncture it is important to raise the fact that building a strong economic muscle is essential to normalize such problems.

As part of the bid to stabilize the country’s economy and cushion shocks of the aforementioned nature the government must give a kiss of life into foreign trade. The role played by our industrial parks in churning out value-added commodities that could penetrate the global market is very much helpful.

The country must press ahead with attracting more investors into the shades of its industrial parking side by side with encouraging the local ones to be forth coming.

Not only that the country needs to seek ways of debt relief. Its ambassador and diplomats that lie abroad must play a crucial role in this regard.

The nation must earn as much foreign currency as it could. As Ethiopia is a turning a sought-after country for conference tourism as well as becoming tourist magnet than ever before, it could also augment its income from the tourism sector such as hotel service.

The effort underway to step up hotel accommodation services and rating hotels is laudable as it opens a door for the upsurge of tourists coming here. The support and incentives they get must be stepped up.

Taming the inflation and stabilizing the economy is a must do. It is heartening to note that the government is rolling its sleeve towards this ends.

The Ethiopian Herald September 15/2019

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