Ethiopia’s UN Security Council membership successful: MoFA

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Ethiopia has successfully completed its two-year term as non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council on December 31st, 2018.

Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie, Ethiopian Envoy to the United Nations told a press conference yesterday that the most glittering success for Ethiopia during its stay in the Council was the peace agreement it reached with Eritrea.

In addition, the country’s call for everlasting peace in Yemen and Syria while the permanent members of the Council were holding contradictory stances has encouraged them to come to the table for constructive dialogue. As to the Envoy, Ethiopia has also promoted preventive strategies in handling humanitarian crisis beforehand.

“Ethiopia has also encountered challenges as it joined the Council at a time when the world major powers were engaged in intense geopolitical disputes.” During its two years membership, Ethiopia has played its card well, holding responsibility in an international institute with multifaceted missions, Fortuna Dibaco, Director General for International Organizations at the Ministry told The Ethiopian Herald.

She said that Ethiopia has contributed positively and constructively in finding a peaceful resolution for conflicts around the world. During its presidency of the Security Council in September 2017, Ethiopia was committed to bringing about a sustainable solution to conflicts. “The country has proactively worked for peace and security in the Horn of Africa and strongly defended Africa’s positions on issues of peace and security.

Besides, it has extensively worked in combating terrorism across the globe,” she added. Fortuna further noted that Ethiopia has aggressively worked in promoting cooperation and partnership between the United Nation and African Union, the advancement of a balanced and principled position on international issues, and UN’s peacekeeping roles.

The Director-General stated that the country has strongly advocated for the provision of adequate and sustainable financing of AU’s peacekeeping missions. Ethiopia was also devoted to consolidating the missions of AMISOM in terms of finance by lobbying members of the UN.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 3/2019


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