PCDP benefits 6 million the pastoralists

ADDIS ABABA-Pastoralist Community Development Project (PCDP) concluded by benefiting about 5.9 million pastoralist and agro-pastoralists, of which the share of PCDP III is 4,095,794 million.

This is achieved in the PCDP 15 year’s program in three phases which begin in 2003.

Sied Omer, Coordinator for Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLLRP) told The Ethiopian Herald that the project has practically touched on untouched area’s and enhanced the socio-economic life of the pastoralist communities through providing and constructing various infrastructures.

According to him, more than 2.8 million pastoralist and agro-pastoralists have access to potable water due to the construction of 1,911 water sub-projects. 50.3 percent of the beneficiaries were also women.

The project practically transformed primary education from tree shed to standard education due to the construction of 2,444 schools. As a result, 614 thousand students have access to primary education in their local areas.

Some 1,026 human health facilities were also constructed which enabled more than 1.8 million people to access health services.

According to him, the project has practically solved the communities’ multiple problems by constructing 772, 361, 300 animal health posts, community roads with a total length of 4,587 km and small scale irrigation sub-projects.

The total budget of the PCDP was 452.8 million USD and it was utilized efficiently, Sied noted.

The Ethiopian Herald  Sept 12/2019


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