Recap 2018 seminal events

February 2018: Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn resigns in the bid to carry out reforms that would lead to sustainable peace and democracy

April 2018: Dr Abiy Ahmed is elected as the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia. May-June 2018: State of Emergency lifted, thousands of political prisoners are released. Bans on political parties were lifted and political leaders released and pardoned.

June 2018: A support rally for the Prime Minister turns deadly as a bomb blasts at Meskel Square.

July 2018: Peace declared between Ethiopia and Eritrea, Ethiopia vows to respect the Algiers Agreement and evacuate from the disputed territory. Abiy visits Eritrea followed by Isaias Afewerki visiting Ethiopia.

Eritrea Embassy opens in Ethiopia Sept 2018: Ethiopia opens Embassy in Eritrea Sept-Oct 2018 Opposition party leaders were welcomed back from “exile” either self imposed or forced.

Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed did 10 press ups with some of the elite soldiers who had marched to his office calling for a pay rise. It was their punishment for causing alarm by bringing their guns.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 1/2019


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