Religious leaders urge followers to pray for peace, reconciliation

ADDIS ABABA – Following the declaration of Pagumen 1st as Peace Day by the National Reconciliation Commission, followers of the various religious institutions in the country have conducted prayer for lasting peace and stability.

Leaders of the institutions have also urged members to pursue prayer for the leaders and people of the country throughout the year. Congregation of Ethiopian Catholic Church, led by His Eminent Cardinal Birhaneyesus, Archbishop Ethiopian Catholic Church, has held prayer at the Nativity Catholic Church yesterday. The congregation has requested God to
give eternal peace for the country. They further prayed for politicians, leaders and security forces.

In his message after the prayer the Cardinal has urged people to disregard instigations for violence and be rational in their response. Religious teachers need to preach the gospel genuinely. They should preach the concept of eternity than talking about earthly life, as to the Cardinal. The Cardinal said media personnel also need to abstain from disseminating hate speech, spreading provocative speeches. They should rather arrange platform for discussion than taking side. The security forces also need to serve the safety of the citizens impartially. Mothers can also play a vital role by advising their children and husbands, he added.

He declared the year to be a Year of Truth, a year in which everyone vows to serve the public genuinely. He further expressed hope that peace would prevail in the country in the New Year. Other Ethiopian religious leaders, on their part, urged Ethiopians at home and abroad to step into the Ethiopian New Year with peace, love, and unity. They urged fellow religious members to pursue peace and stability.

The religious leaders said September is the month of renewal and revival of living things and brings hope in the chest of everyone. Ethiopians also need to embrace the New Year with hope and work to bring success in their life. They also have to sustain peace throughout the year. They expressed their deep interest to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation. They urged their believers to pass the history of togetherness to the future generation. The culture of discussion on how to tackle common problems should be nurtured, as to them.

Daniel Seife Michael, an Orthodox Church Theology Instructor, has made a call to the Orthodox Christians to forget the adversity among the people of Ethiopia and live together with love and respect. He also indicated that good deed pays back the doer, thus, asked the followers to do good to others.

Daniel remarked that vision of the National Reconciliation Commission is the prime job of the church. And the church has been accomplishing reconciliation through ritual ceremony without ceasing and will continue performing it. The church is ready to share the vision of the commission, he pointed out.

Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council Member, Sheikh Seid Ahmed, on his part stressed that kindness is the principle of Islamic religion. Thus, he urged the followers of the religion to seek kindness, love, and peace. He also reminded the followers to engage in the act of kindness in the New Year. Pastor Tsadiku Abdo, President of Ethiopian Evangelical Churches Union, said God wants a man not to perish. Any form of violence that could lead to loss of life displeases God. Thus, followers of any religion should abstain from violence so as to please God, said the Pastor.

The Pastor stressed that Ethiopians need to learn from circumstances in other countries. Currently, a good number of women, children, and mothers are suffering from lack of peace and instability around the world. He advised Ethiopians to denounce wickedness. They need to follow love, peace, and synergy, as to him.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 7/2019


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