Horticulture export improves yielding 318 mln USD

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s horticulture sector has shown improvement in its export performance in the just ended Ethiopian Fiscal year, according to Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC).

EIC Public Relations Director Mekonen Hailu told The Ethiopian Herald that during the fiscal year the country has earned more than 318 million USD from the export of horticulture produces out of which flower export contributed the lions share by making 261 million dollars while vegetables, fruits and herbs contributed the balance.

Netherland was the major destination of about 85 per cent of Ethiopia’s horticultural produces followed by Saudi Arabia, UK, USA, Japan, Norway, Germany, UAE, Belgium and Italy respectively. More than 100 companies have invested in Ethiopia’s horticulture industry the major ones being from Netherland, India, USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Ecuador, Belgium.

The government gives due attention to further attract and develop the industry as the commission conducts the necessary supervision and support. Mekonen disclosed that five new and huge Dutch companies have shown interest to invest in Ethiopia’s flower industry and are expected to start work next year.

Horticulture sector has created more than a 100,000 job in different regions. Some 85 of the employees in the sector are women.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 6/2019


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