Synergized vision to sustainable prosperity

As Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed put it in his inaugural speech a year ago, Ethiopia is a country of fertile wombs. It has produced many children that strive relentlessly out of a great spirit of love for the country. Its children strongly aspire and strive tirelessly to return the country to its past glory; and to ensure that the peace and security of its people is protected and that prosperity is extended to all of its citizens without any discrimination.

And this requires shared vision to transform the country into prosperity. A visionary community would have their road to prosperity on right track and ensure strong unity. We have to share the belief in synergy for renaissance of Ethiopia since without the cumulative participation of all, it is impossible to see well developed Ethiopia.In different words, on the way to prosperity, it is essential to bear in mind that prosperity cannot be achieved without collaboration of all the stalk holders. There should be consensual national narrative that would assist speed up the country’s road to prosperity. And motivation, fairness and common national goals pave the road to prosperity.

As a result, it requires ensuring national unity and citizen’s dignity, and creating institutions that lead the efforts helps achieve prosperity. Thus, united we are stronger, separated the weaker we become in every aspect of human deeds. And as President Moon-Jae of the Republic of South Korea said in appreciating the efforts being made by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy which he expressed as: “The world is taking note of [Ethiopia]”, Ethiopians need to be a lesson to the world by achieving prosperity and eradicating poverty.

Likewise, prosperity embraces peace, health, stability and wealth. Prosperity begins all the way from schools. Therefore, every responsible stalk holder should work on students extensively. Unless we invest on schools, the road to prosperity could be bumpy. For this reason, to achieve sustainable, fair and common prosperity, every responsible citizen has to live for others improving people’s life and ensuring peace and happiness as well as stability.

Equally, all should call for creating equal opportunities and addressing problems at their very beginnings.Religious leaders, teachers, professionals, entrepreneurs, international partners and residents also need to assist the government of Ethiopia on the way to prosperity in whatever they can.

And more importantly, as Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has been pushing for strong diplomatic relations on basis of mutual benefits and the wellbeing of Ethiopians everywhere, the diplomatic relations must be given due attention to speed up Ethiopia’s prosperity.As the recent weeklong visits paid to Israel and the Asian countries are believed to bring about important inputs to boost the ongoing economic reform, other nations also need to be approached as it has been. And Ethiopians abroad have to play their roles in public diplomacy as the government is focusing on citizen diplomacy.

The government must continue negotiating with the worlds giant companies to invest in Ethiopia. And it has to bring them together with the local small and medium microenterprises so that they should transfer knowledge from the international successful business companies. Similarly, since prosperity cannot be achieved neglecting technology, attention must be paid to technological developments and experienced innovative companies must be attracted to invest in Ethiopia.

A like to this, resistances to democratization should not be by passed to enhance Ethiopia’s prosperity. And when democratizing, rule of law must not be compromised in that it is democratization by itself. At last, Ethiopia can only be made prosperous by the collaborative efforts of its children in all aspects with the support of Ethiopia lovers.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 6/2019

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