Hawassa tourism revenues, tourist inflow amid instability

As a Land of Origin, Ethiopia is reputed for having plenty of tangible and intangible heritages that are found nowhere else. And Hawassa, the Capital of the South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State, is among the towns where high tourism inflow is observed.

However, in the few months of 2019, the town has been through much turbulence. And the question to be answered in this article is: Has tourism helped to stabilize the town boosting the inflow and revenue?

According the World Tourism Organization, peace tourism expresses the importance of having “positive peace” rather than merely eliminating direct violence. To tone down the negative effects and promote tourism as a sustainable industry, there are three main sectors that should be functioning and coordinated together.

First, “host communities” should focus more on the quality of service that they deliver to incoming tourists and must be responsible for protecting their surrounding environment.

Secondly, governments should make available the necessary infrastructure expansion and must implement essential “regulatory mechanisms” to protect the industry from exploitation and environmental degradation.

Finally, foreign stakeholders should support local initiatives through investment or provide necessary support that is required for the qualitative growth of the tourism industry. Tourism provides the opportunity for communities to generate income even if they are “poor economically, but rich in culture”.

It has the potential to provide direct and indirect employment for a large assortment of people in various social strata including part time and seasonal job opportunities for many people.

Tourism can also provide supplemental income generation to people who already have other jobs. Taken as a whole, this large web of employment opportunities could generate income for multiple layers in society.

Income generation leads to the increase of per capita income and it is one of the preventive factors that mitigate the civil conflict escalation. Particularly, low income leads to elevated inequality in society and if those disparities are based on ethnic lines, then it could trigger more social unrest.

Therefore, income disparities could lead societies into more structural inequalities and draw out the durations of prevailing civil wars. For that reason, it can be asserted that tourism is a prospective alternative for developing countries to mitigate impending dangers of civil conflicts.

Furthermore, tourism can improve government-to-government, government-to-private citizens and citizen-to-citizens’ relationships. These forms of relationships can be considered track two diplomacy, meaning that they work as a supplement for government or higher-level diplomacy.

The spreading of knowledge and information on culture, society, and perspectives through these levels of relationships are significant in this form of diplomacy. Therefore, we can say that tourism could lead to an improvement of international relations in all as studies say.

Similarly, State and Hawassa town officials, and hotel owners to identify the increment or decrease registered in both tourism inflow and revenue raised.

The State’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Bureau Head, Sebletsega Ayele says that the state government has been working to make Hawassa town one of the best tourism destinations in the nation. Everything is getting back to the regular track.

The town is now peaceful and stable due the roles played by the committed stalk holders like the National Military Force, command post, police, Hawassa residents and the businessmen.

As a result of this, many local and international tourists have visited the town registering better revenue with increment in the number of tourist inflow.

In the budget year 2017/2018 only 245,303 local and 74, 681 international visitors took breathe in the town. This enabled the town to raise revenues amounting 254, 341, 503 Ethiopian Birr in the fiscal year.

Likewise, in the outgoing budget year 2018/2019 (2011 EC) the tourist inflow and revenues raised have exceeded that of the prior year.

Although tourists inflow in the several months of 2019 was not as planned due to the fact that tourists were frightened by the violence that occurred in the town putting it under command post, the inflow and revenues have increased.

The local tourists visited Hwassa were 256, 148 while the international tourists were 78,587 amid the instability. And these tourists availed the town with the revenues of 262, 322,168 Ethiopian Birr.

In the same way, Hawassa Town Deputy Mayor and, Finance and Economic Development Office Head Geleta Geremew added that the instability observed in the town has not hindered tourist inflow that it grew by eight percent in 2019.

The town is regaining its brand image from amid the instability in the last few months has a bit darkened it. “There is no problem in the town despite the fake and misleading information released on the social media. And Hawassa is peaceful both for tourism and business doing as rule of law is respected now.” Geleta notes.

By the same token, General Manager of Haile Hotel and Resort in Hawassa, Emishaw Teshome says that the instability in July has influenced the business to some extent though it was managed immediately. As regular, from June to September, hotels record high tourist inflow and revenues in Hawassa. “No peace and security problem at this time. And we are providing standard services to our customers.”

Equally, Ker Awude Hotel business consultant, Henok Shimeles also says that the hotel has created job to about 130 people and the business is hopeful in Hawassa. “Tourists should not worry to come as the town is stable and hotels are providing full services.”

In summing up, Hawassa is reaping the fruits of tourism amid the instability seen in the town especially in July. If much attention is paid to it, tourism guarantees peace and prosperity besides its other benefits.

The Ethiopian Herald September 6, 201


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