Maekelawi prison to be open for visitors

ADDIS ABABA –The notorious Maekelawi prison will be open for visitors for five consecutive days starting from Puagme 1 (September 6), Federal Attorney General said.

Attorney General Public Relations Head Zenabu Tulu told the Amharic Daily Addis Zemen that Maekelawi prison will be open for visitors in relation to the Justice Day to be marked on the 10th of September.

He also added that the Maekelawi has a terrorizing image among Ethiopians for many have lost their lives or incurred enduring physical and psychological pains while they were detained in the prison.

The event is organized to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

In 2018, the Ethiopian government announced the closure of the notorious detention and investigation center, commonly known as Maekelawi, which is located in the capital Addis Ababa.

It also announced that the Maekelawi prison would be converted into a museum and that a new center compliant with the national parliament’s guidelines on human rights and international standards would replace it.

Human rights groups had consistently described Maekelawi as a torture chamber.

 The Ethiopian Herald  September 5/2019


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