HWPL, universities collaborating in ensuring peace

ADDIS ABABA– Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), a nonprofit organization, has entered agreements with universities to work together in ensuring peace and stability.

The organization has held its 5th anniversary yesterday under the theme “steps toward sustainable peace work in Ethiopia”. HWPL Regional Manager Jinjoo Jo told The Ethiopian Herald that the organization was established in Ethiopia in 2014. It has been working in over 100 countries including Ethiopia to bring peace and stop war.

She said that the organization is supporting various educational institutions providing them with educational material and training on peace. So far, it has entered Memorandum of Understanding with ten universities to jointly work in ensuring sustainable peace in the country.

Youth and women are the primary target, she added. On his part, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University President Dr. Dereje Engda said the agreements signed between the university and WHPL is important in promoting and are resolving conflicts among students. Beyond teaching education in the university, to change the student’s attitude extra curricula activities are needed, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 6/2019


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