Safeguarding parks from wildlife for sustainable use

National Parks are not only places where peculiar wild lives are found. They are also the lungs and hearts of the planet earth. No matter where they are found, parks and forests have role in keeping the climate equilibrium. However, several challenges are threatening them. Wildfire is one of the problems that threatens the survival of national parks and forests.

Countries with better economic performance and technology are able to prevent wildfire before it cause severe damage. However, in some developing counters where there is no modern technology traditional mechanisms are being applied.

Simien Mountains National Park and Bale National Parks are among the natural resources registered by UNESCO. Lately, some part of this parks were exposed to wildfire. The fire that broke out in in Bale Mountains has damaged about three thousand hectares of forest. However, thanks to the intimidate response of community the wildfire was controlled before it cause a devastating impact. However, in the case of Simien Mountains, it was needed the intervention of Israeli experts and helicopter from Kenya.

According to Abebaw Azanaw, Simen National Park Bureau Head, the wildfire has damaged some part of the parks but due to the active involvement of the Federal and regional governments it was controlled. He said, as a means to prevent the parks in a sustainable way in the future activities are underway. Planting more than 38,000 indigenous seedlings is one of the plans to rehabilitate the damaged area.

Debark University President, Dr. Jedewe Demamu said, Universities have a significant role in protecting parks a in a sustainable way. Parks and forests have key role to for several reasons. They are research places. In this regard, universities have key role in preserving them.

According to him, in this regard, Debark University and the community are working aggressively to rehabilitate the damaged parts of the park. Debark University together with NGOs are working together to benefit the community living around the park. The community should be a direct beneficiary from the parks.

As part of its plan, the University has also a plan to produce efficient professionals who can prevent any form of wildfire in towns as well as in parks. The University has a vision to start Fire Fighters Education department.

In area of Tourism Development, the university has discussed with development agents. He said, if the University has necessary finance it is ready and willing to provide the education in areas of Fire Fighters Education. If development partners provide the necessary amount of money, the university is ready to produce efficient Fire Fighters. According to him, this will enable the country to have its own fire fighters who are ready to control unexpected wildfire.

Ethiopian Wildlife Development and Conservation Authority, Wild Animals Protection Director, Girma Timer, on his part said, the Authority has a responsibility to protect peculiar wild lives that are found in the parks and use them for social and economic benefit. It is the responsibility of the Authority to guard and protect such areas and the wildlife within it.

Wildfire is common during dry seasons. It is our recent experiences that the wildfire that broke out in Bale Mountains, Nech Sar and Simien Mountains have damaged some parts of the parks. But, thanks to the active involvement of the community it was controlled.

He stressed that whenever there is wildfire in national parks it is natural for the wild animals to migrate into other parks.

According to him, the recent wildfire that broke out in Semen Mountains demands the intervention of experts from Israel and helicopter from Kenya. This is a good indication for the future. Prevention and controlling wildfire needs a scientific approach. It needs skill, human power and proper material. Girma further said, as part of its future plan, the Authority will provide fire prevention and controlling training to concerned bodies at federal level.

Appreciating the plan of Debark University commitment towards prevention and controlling fire, Girma said, parks significant role to various research activities. In this respect, the active involvement universities in areas of controlling and preventing wildfire has a significant role for the nation.

The Ethiopian Herald September 4, 2019


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