Ethiopia to host ITME AFRICA 2020

ADDIS ABABA – The first African edition of International Textile Machinery Exhibition will take place here in Addis from February 14th to 16th under the theme: “Prosperity for Africa through Textile Industry”, the organizer announced yesterday.

Over 200 exhibitors from about 50 European, Asian and African countries are expected to take part in the exhibition and share different significant technology experiences for the textile and garment industry, said Sileshi Lemma, Director General for Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute.

He also added that, as textile industry is more dependent on the White Gold which is Cotton, there should be industrialization competitiveness for its development. Therefore, such exhibitions enable textile and garment marketers to share their experience.

Tekile Gebreyesus, State Minister for the FDRE Ministry of Trade and Industry on his part stated that especially local marketers should use this golden opportunity to share technology experience from the exhibition due to the fact that technology is not an alternative but rather a compulsory. He also added that the exhibition helps Ethiopia to become African Textile hub apart from encouraging investors to be competitive at continental level.

As textile is a key catalyst of economic growth that the modern technology demand, organizing such events helps to initiate revolution of technology up gradation and creating entrepreneurs in Africa, says Engineer Melaku Ezezew, President of ECCSA. Besides this, it is a golden opportunity for Ethiopians to expanding exports throughout the world.

Similarly, Anurag Strivastave, Ambassador of India to Ethiopia, revealed that this exhibition helps to strengthen the bilateral relation between Ethiopia and India which started couples of millenniums ago at the port of Adulis. Adding to the point, Ambassador Strivastave explained that Ethiopia will share experience from India which is a 2nd of the world in textile industry. Moreover, S. Hari Shankar, Chairman of India ITME Society, stated that the exhibition enables Africans to use their untapped potential on the sector.

As to him, ITME AFRICA 2020 is deemed to be more than a routine exhibition. It proposes to bring to the table complete solutions to Textile Industry development in the continent through affordable technology, international exposure, skill development through seminars and conferences, it was learnt. The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the governments of India and Ethiopia, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association, Indian Ministry of Textile and other stake holders.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 4/2019


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