Forging warmer Ethio-Israeli ties

As history tells us, Ethiopia and Israel have common history and their relation began with Biblical account of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Ever since then, these two countries have been strengthening their cultural, economic and political relations.

Last Sunday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) planed to Israel and paid fruitful two day state visit to there. He had met his counterpart Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and other dignitaries as well as some Israeli citizens with Ethiopian origins.

Of course, Ethiopia and Israel have strong interest to cement the historical ties in various fields of cooperation apart from reinvigorating their relations and building common interests.It is true that Ethiopia is in deep need of Israelis ‘capacity building assistance to its health, ICT and modern agriculture sectors.

Also Ethio-Israeli relation is guided by a strategic partnership focusing on key areas such as modern agriculture and irrigation, information and communication technology (ICT), health and tourism.These two sisterly countries have been working for a dynamic and effective partnership in promoting regional and global peace and security.

Both countries have been demonstrating solidarity to each other on various occasions. For instance, Israel dispatched a team early this year to support efforts in containing the Simien Mountains forest fires. Ethiopia also extended its condolences to the families, people, and government of Israel over the death of AyaNaemana, a young Israeli volunteer who died in Ethiopia this month, as well as for the two Israelis killed in Ethiopian airlines crash.

Following Ethiopia’s invitation to Israeli investors to invest in Ethiopia in key industry sectors, including in telecoms, aviation, logistics, and energy, Prime Minister Netanyahu also promised to encourage Israeli investors to invest in Ethiopia. Taking the opportunity, the two countries ‘leaders have indeed expressed their readiness to share experience in the fight against terrorism and also to increase trade relations between the two countries, which currently stands at 300 million USD.

During the visit, both countries sealed accord that support to forge a warmer ties. As to the agreement, they will further strengthen the bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries in accordance with the respective laws and regulations of the parties, and bilateral agreement signed between them.Plus, the two countries will cooperate to implement the agreements signed at various levels in the areas of agriculture, water, irrigation, health and science and technology.

Furthermore, Ethiopia and Israel will examine the possibilities of concluding additional agreement(s) in other fields of cooperation, including cyber security, telecommunication and space science and technology.Both countries will also explore the establishment of additional mechanisms, as appropriate, to monitor the implication of agreements and provide solutions to problems that may arise in the implementation of these agreements.

Moreover, they agreed to encourage review and follow up of the implementation of agreements between the two countries taking into accounts the limits of their available resources.In general, the cordial and historic bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Israel would for sure elevate to the higher level of cooperation and solidarity in all spheres.Definitely, Ethiopia sees Israel as potential security partner and source of investment and innovation.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 3/2019

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