A year or so back this guy I know decides to change jobs. He stated case to a decade at the place he was in. In fact he didn’t even tell his spouse of his plans as her probably would be pushback.
“What do you mean you’re leaving the job you’ve now while tens of thousands highly trained and skilled are going months even years without landing any job. And you’re leaving your secure job! You must be out of your mind.” Of course he had his reasons and legitimate ones too. It wasn’t about dissatisfaction with the pay though like most he believes he’s underpaid in more ways than one. Isn’t that some universal feeling! It’d be rare to hear people say, “Well, they pay me quite well and I’ve nothing to complain about.” especially these days the three-grand-a-month fellow and the fifty-grand-a-month both complain loudly and with equal passion.
The real reason was that he had this fallout with the brass who for reasons they know have ganged up on him. His initial spat was with a newly arrived immediate boss who acted like the entire world was falling over each other to employ him for any sum he asks. Well, though saying this might weigh down hard on the vocal chords such people are usually the opposite of whatever they say they are or what they actually feel about themselves.
It didn’t take long for this guy to be exposed as a complete unskilled and undedicated dude and the rumor soon began making the rounds that he was employed because of his relationship with some VIP out there, a VIP who with the snap of his fingers could do anything, anytime, anywhere. Don’t ask me who the rumors were referring to. In such cases seldom do you hear names or titles motioned. They, (the ‘invisible they!’) are one big lot and talking about one would be talking about every single one of them.
Anyway this freshly arrived mid-level boss and our guy find it hard to talk on the same wavelength. Our guy though not confrontational in any way real way usually takes time to try to explain his points over any matter when the other party fails to grasp what he is saying, especially at his work place. And he does this in the most cordial way careful not to fall into that confrontational pit where once one ends up, it would be difficult to spring back. This new boss gives him seem assignment which our guy finds so bizarre and beyond the realm of the office he decides to break things in detail to the guy. So one morning he adjusts his vocal chords to that very cordial and friendly tone and tells the boss how it was impossible to accomplish what he has ordered with the real reasons. Now with a real boss confident of himself and his managerial skills the explanations would have gotten our guy the passionate pats on the back.
That never happened. This fresh boss wasn’t going to take no for an answer. In fact he takes offense to the extent that he orders our guy to leave the office. Our guy remembers he was shaken like he was never shaken before! The very next day our guy gets a letter of reprimand accusing of not obeying the buss’s order and the letter ended that this was the last time he would be given any warnings and next time he refuses to take orders the management would take the ultimate measure; Of curse, meaning they will kick him out. It was too much to take lying down for our guy and he decades to take up things with the higher ups. Never did he suspect it would be the wrong move. The department head in fact warns him that they have been watching his every move and he better watch out. What every move!
As rumors make the rounds he hears something which nobody yet told him! There was talk that the brass at headquarters have decided to give him the department head position! Where in the world did such rumors sprung from no one knew. He didn’t have to think twice just because of these unverifiable rumors his days at the place were numbered. So he decides to resign and hands in his letter of resignation to the shock of everyone.
The brass probably happy that he was running scared had yet another punch left. They write him a letter of release so which was nothing less than wounding him with some lethal weapon. The letter which was unusually long for a release letter goes on to state that the persona was very unmotivated and irresponsible refusing to take orders from his bosses and at odds with all the workers. Luckily his new employers have made some research about him, learned about how the bosses treated they needed no release paper.
Now the fact was that he was one of the most respected and honored staff who was in the best of terms with much of the workforce. As to his work performance he was simply the best. He was also always ready to help anyone who asks him to give them a hand. These were the facts not lost on anybody. A family man and father of two about a decade so of his best work performance going down the drain wasn’t anywhere near to nice a memory. But what can he do about it? Since there are bosses around who are in the wrong places, insecure and always looking out for the enemy within and without! With the hammer in their hands there are no ifs and buts and it’s really hard to try to perform as best as your abilities and skills allow you to.
By the way the staff were shaken to the core at the news of the contents of the release letter. For one thing that was what was awaiting them when they have to leave by themselves or the bosses want them out. The other more important point was that they knew a guy like him didn’t deserve such abuse and a couple of them even tried to gather support to protest. But no sooner have they uttered their plans they were summoned to the office of the man in the big chair and warned to stop what they were doing or else they would be sent packing.
As long as the hammer is in the wrong hands it would be hard to accomplish anything meaningful; wouldn’t you say so!
The Ethiopian Herald December 1/2024