OLF’s wing led by Galasa Dilbo returns home

ADDIS ABABA – OLF delegation team led by Galasa Dilbo has come back home.

Upon arrival in Finfine (Addis Ababa) the chairman of the front Galasa Dilbo said that the political change in the country is the reason which inspired team members to come back home to work for the burgeoning of democracy and see to the observance of the rights of the Oromo people.

‘’We were forced to flee our country. Now, we have stood a chance to see our nation and mix with fellow citizens. I am very much elated,” he said and added, ‘’ We are here to actively engage in the political and economic transformation through peaceful and democratic ways.

We are ready to work with any Oromo party that has a plan to genuinely, democratically and peacefully serve its people.’’ He added that his group has no military and weapon and this shows its commitment for peaceful political involvements.

Professor Mekruia Bulcha is one of the returnees. For his part said that there are several encouraging changes in the country. “I am very happy to come and join my people.” ‘’We are ready to work with others. Questions Oromos pose have not yet got answers.

Hence, we are going to work with others to address these legitimate questions. In addition to this, unity is the only way to freedom, democracy and development. So, all Oromo should be united to remain strong,’’ Mekuria insisted. ODP Bureau’s Head Dr. Alemu Sime noted the party has drawn lessons from the wrong turns and failures of other parties that have been fighting for the last fifty years without benefit to the people they were fighting to.

Before the reform took place, OPD had already identified the reasons why they failed. Lack of unity was their formidable challenge, according to him. ‘’Therefore, it has brought tremendous change in collaboration with others.

All Oromos have their own contribution to the current reform,’’ Alemu noted. OLF, led by Galasa, has its own contribution to this change. “ We are ready to work with others for the betterment of things for Oromos,” he added.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 30/2018

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