Nations should cooperate in integrating stability, economy

Ethiopia has been working strenuously to ensure peace at home as well as in the region. As a result, it has been recognized as a stabilizing or pacifying force in the horn of Africa region. Accordingly it has been helping broker peace in Somalia and Sudan. And the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea is a major breakthrough in heralding normalization in the Horn of Africa.

The rationale behind Ethiopia’s endeavor in ensuring peace in neighboring coun­tries is that the situation of a neighboring country will have direct or indirect impact on one’s own. Therefore, in addition to settling conflicts that are already thriving such actions should be further upheld to the extent to preempting brewing conflicts.

Though nations may differ in their interests in a region, they have to work closely regarding security before confrontations trigger far-reaching consequences. On top of that, it is essential to mutually understand that whether or not positive, what is going on in one country will definitely have an impact on the other. As economic development of a nation adds something important to the other nation, so does instability of a nation negative impact.

Therefore, nations should never resort to confrontational diplomacy and follow co­operation and collectiveness like the ongoing Ethiopian diplomacy. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy is ambitious to see politically and economically strong Africa in general and the Horn countries in particular tied with the international nations.

As a result, Ethiopia is enjoying strong relations with many countries especially at this point in time. And it has to scale up this to international level besides enhanc­ing the economic integration of African countries as regional integration sustains development.

What is more is that nations’ cooperation should also pay attention to economic re­forms aimed at creating more jobs, ensuring inclusive growth to reducing poverty and to enhance sustainable development.

For this end neighboring countries should collaborate to open up more space for the participation of the private sector as it can ensure sustainability of economic growth. This, in turn contributes to preventing socio-economic and environmental challenges that lead nations to conflict.

Nations have to work jointly for mutual benefits strategically without confronting diplomatic approaches to make the world better home for all human kinds integrat­ed. They must not also compromise on peace and stability of the other nation; and act on any possible threat before it goes out of control.

As the government of Ethiopia has continued to play a central role in sustaining the stability of the region, it is also important to share the burden of safeguarding the regional peace to all concerned countries in the region. It has to make sure that all are working seriously and with utmost commitment. This helps to ensure that the government’s efforts bear fruit for a sustainable peace, development and fraternity.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 30/2019

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