Authority aims to give conference international status

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Road Au­thority (ERA) is working to transform the national ‘Annual Road Research Conference ‘ into international level in two years’ time, The Ethiopian Herald learnt.

This was disclosed at the 6th Annual Road Research Conference held yester­day. The national conference has been held since 2013 with different themes.

The conference has been expanding and evolving from year to year and ERA is playing an important role to transform the conference to international level within the coming two years, said Direc­tor General of the Authority, Eng. Habt­amu Tegegn

Eng. Habtamu sees the move as benefi­cial to Ethiopia in terms of international road researches. “Hopefully, our plan would come to fruition once the con­struction of the Main Research Center is finalized. The center will have comfort­able Conference Room and Guest Hous­es”, he noted.

In addition to this, he said that support­ing road infrastructural projects with research is important to ensure quality in the sector admitting that some proj­ects face quality issue due to lack of re­search-assisted technology. he added.

According to him, the roads that have been built so far are frequently subject to quality related criticisms because they have not considered vehicle traffic.

This year’s Annual Road Research Con­ference was held with the theme: En­suring effective road network through research. And also, in this conference, a total of nine articles were presented to the audience, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 30/2019


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