Ethiopia’s prime role in Horn peace, stability

Needless to state, any nation should have military organization as the latter is the ultimate shield of that specific country. When this military entity has set up firm ties with counterparts from other countries and exchange military expertise, the way the system works in tune with the contemporary world demand, the military sect of a given nation would have ample opportunity to get further beefed up. Taking all this into account, African defense ministers convened and thoroughly discussed a number of aspects revolving around military integration, cooperation and the means how to attain common vision—creating stable, thriving, affluent and appealing Africa.

Since the conference can be a milestone for addressing peace and security concerns and expediting Africa’s prosperous future via vibrant African military collaborative efforts, all states of the continent are expected to develop unity and fraternity following Ethiopia’s relentless effort to contribute a lot to the effort geared towards creating resilient Africa.Yes, as the continent has been baffled with a range of security concerns following its geopolitically strategic importance, establishing firm defense alliance has to be the call of the day.

Ethiopia has, along ensuring Horn peace and stability, come to the forefront because the country has had firm commitment to ensure peace and serenity. It will continue doing so, in fact. Unequivocally, military is employed in averting internal security threats, promoting healthy socio-economic and even political agendas. It has also provided respective nations with emergency services, and duty bound to protect corporate economic interests, social ceremonies, and national honor beyond warfare. A good example for this is Ethiopia’s defense as their move to ensure peace and security within its territory, in Africa and beyond has been an exemplary one.

The role Ethiopia has been playing regarding ensuring peace and stability in East Africa, entire continent and beyond is untold, indeed! Besides, the cooperation of such prestigious to be further consolidated and the states need to move in unison with a view to coming up with stable and respected nations in particular and well esteemed Africa in general.

The secret behind commencing African nations’ military cooperation is this one.Military/defense cooperation is thus an essential component of military diplomacy and helps build close ties with other nations. Such cooperation also helps strengthen strategic security relationships and address common security concerns. It is quite important to maintain positive feelings via developing teamwork and shared decision making, openness, trust and safety, well being among others to have confident military muscle and unwavering national sovereignty.

Sure, military cooperation is a joint function that integrates the understanding of various factors. The obvious motivation in states engaging in military alliances is to protect themselves against threats from other countries. As it has been doing so far, Ethiopia will continue to ensure peace and stability in the Horn and beyond.

The duty of fulfilling continental commitments and engaging military expertise are keys to ensure peaceful, prosperous and resilient Africa lies on African countries predominantly on Ethiopia as it has been a pioneer and influential nation in the Horn of Africa. Undeniably, Africa does not exist in isolation, so it is highly critical to deepen regional and continental engagements to smash the existing bounded threats out and ensure the common security and economic issues across the continent. Besides, Ethiopia is willing to, and capable of, buttressing the coordination and firm commitment to ensure Horn Peace and even beyond.

Thus, Africa badly needs to unite in peace and get stronger in security to come up with a stable, prosperous and suitable continent. It is really high time to reinvigorate continental security via promoting military cooperation across the continent, too. African defense ministers, military attachés, senior military officers, higher government officials, among others are expected to continue discussing how the continent would make a difference in ensuring peace and security thereby making Africa’s future bright and utterly devoid of chaos, turmoil and instability, which in turn contributes a lot to continental economic sovereignty.


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