From housemaid to Hotel owner

I was in Arba Minch for examining the impressing Gamo culture called Dubusha. One day I was looking for a breakfast. My sister arranged me to stay her on the way I am. She arrived and took me to the eye catching hotel. It says ‘Tiruye Hotel’. I was thinking of the name. Could it be the owner? Or could it be the mother or the sister or the daughter or the wife of the owner? I was in this investigation. Since my sister knows the hotel and the foods well, I gave her the chance to choose the food. She called the waiter, and she told him to prepare the roasted meat.

Suddenly, she pointed me to the very gorgeous and beautiful woman greeting and smiling with the customers. I said who is she? “Follow her for a while then I will tell you,” she said. I did the same. The woman was quickly running to the kitchen. Then again come back to the waiters’ desk, then greets new comers. Though she looks older and a bit bigger, she was too fast in recognizing things and reacting with heartbreaking smile. I can’t decide who this woman could be. If I said she is the owner, how could the owner is getting in the kitchen and helps the servants? If she is a guest how could then know everyone in the hotel? I gave up and beg my sister to tell me who this woman is. She knew that no one could expect this. With such confusion the order is served. Very fresh and delicious food! Before my sister answered my question the woman arrived and invited us with biggest respect. Who is this woman sister? I said. “She is the owner of this hotel,” She said with grace.

I was very fascinated and feel confident by her deed. I approach her daughter for an interview. She arranged me the time for having a wonderful stay with this woman. I have paraphrased the interview and put it shortly hereunder. Have good read.

Her name is Tiruwork Ayele. She was born in the rural area of the Norther part of Ethiopia. As the culture of the society demanded, she got married while she was 10 years of age. When her age reaches for fertility, she gave birth to four children. The two passed away. Tiruye was a very active girl. She cautiously follows up those girls who came back from urban areas to her place. She saw them as wearing well and having a comfortable life than her. The other cause that made Tiruwork to look for another life was the family related problem that left her tensioned so much. Suddenly her aunt was in a way to run to Addis Ababa. Then Tiruwork though she never learnt and know any other place than hers, she unquestionable run with her aunt. She gave her two children to her mother and left her area with the grievance of her father.

Even though Tiruwork was very new to the life of Addis Ababa, she was very committed and strong in facing the challenges she was about. Then she gets in the private house as a housemaid. She worked for nine years. She said she was hard worker, respectful, calm, and shy; she controlled herself from any sexual affair, and never intervene with others cases. Thus, she was safely doing her job. She said she was saving some money at this stage.

Then she met with some friends. They decided to go to Arsi Negele. Tiruwork run from Addis to this town. After same time she gone to Sheshemene then finally she reach at Arba Minch with the help of her friends.

In Arba Minch she was employed as a waiter at Wubete Hotel. She was working with enthusiasm, courage, honesty and without any reservation. The owners loved her and start worrying about her future. She said they advised her to buy a piece of surface for the time being and she could construct a little home for herself. Since she was very committed and goal oriented, she was saving money with the cultural saving system called Ekub. She worked harder and buys the said place. Then after some time she constructed a small house of her own. After working for 4 years and 8 months, she left this hotel and get in to her new home.

Now Tiruwork become independent of anyone. She started working by herself. She twitches making Shiro Wott. After adapting the atmosphere, she gradually added selling the cultural beer called Tela.

Since she is too pretty and alone there were lots of challenges related to her femininity. Some individuals had tried their best to take advantage of her. But, she never gave up. “My passion is to work hard and changing my life; I never gave any chance for such an issue. Some people were in a way to block my effort. I never allow any body to do this on me. I face them till the end for preserving my own right and asset.”

If someone is very committed on achieving something it is possible to achieve. I keep on working hard. Since I am a service provider, I am good at communicating with people. I respect everyone. I serve everyone equally. For me all the customers are the same and come to my service for gaining good time. Thus I know that and react that way till this day.

After securing herself Tiruwork has brought her two children. Then she took them to school. Now they are very successful and leading good life.

Her capital had boosted up from time to time. Then Tiruwork had built more houses and one of the best hotels in Arba Minch called Tiruwork Hotel.

Though I was feeling that many more stories could be posited from this strong woman, I was forced to cease it that way with the last one more question. What do you need to say for those women who need to take over the same journey? Here is her reply:

You see, these days, I realize that girls and women, who are in the same job, prefer to be seen, to be adored. That should be changed. The primary thing and bigger concern should be the comfort of the customers and the quality of the served food and drink. Why they worry for the neatness of their hand, their beauty and their protocol? I agree that they should cloth good. But they need to work with their workers, serve their customers with respect. At that place the king is the customer. Thus they need to recognize the needs and feelings of the guests.

In addition to this, these days’ youths wanted to be successful with minimum effort. That is wrong. Success is the result of effortless trial. It cannot be achieved with simple move. People should be consistent in their goal. If you stick on your goal then be careful on the thorns you could face at your journey. In this profession you need to be hard worker, honest, strong and visionary. Sometimes I see youngsters to start it and lost it out. Success could not be seen as expected. You need to be strong to exercise failures. It could take time to achieve, so be patient and passionate on your work.



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