Furthering Ethiopia’s climate diplomacy

Ethiopia’s Green Legacy initiative is a catalyst for change in countries worldwide that have been suffering due to climate change-related crises. The past 28 world country summits have failed to translate into action. In other words, these summits have not resulted in tangible actions that could have an impact on the increasing climate changes.

The Green Legacy Initiative in Ethiopia, launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019, aims to combat climate change, restore biodiversity, and ensure sustainable development. The initiative involves the mass planting of billions of trees across the country. Hereunder the author attempts to provide a breakdown of the value chain in the introduction of the Green Legacy Initiative:

Collecting a variety of seeds from indigenous and drought-resistant trees to ensure ecological compatibility and sustainability is the first step inn the process of value chain linkage of the NGLI

Establishing nurseries for germinating and nurturing seedlings before they are ready for planting is the next step. This involves both governmental and community-led nurseries.

Growing seedlings in nurseries under controlled conditions to ensure healthy plants is followed by preparing the land for planting, which includes soil testing and ensuring the soil is conducive for the selected tree species. Efficiently transporting seedlings from nurseries to planting sites across different regions in Ethiopia is another important element of the value chain.

Coordinating the distribution process to ensure timely delivery and minimize seedling loss during transportation. Engaging local communities, schools, public ministries and institutions and organizations to participate in the planting activities.

This fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. Implementing best practices for planting to ensure high survival rates of the seedlings, including spacing, depth, and protection from grazing animals. Regular watering, weeding, and protection of young trees to ensure their growth and survival is part of the operational value chain.

Without exaggeration, anyone can see that Ethiopia’s Green Legacy initiative has made significant changes not only in the country’s landscape but also in the livelihoods of the community. However, for sustainable change to occur, neighboring countries, Africa as a whole and the rest of the world must support Ethiopia’s efforts.

While some efforts to promote the Green Legacy initiative in African countries have been seen, these initiatives need to be backed by continuous efforts from all countries. Many Ethiopian young diplomats have been sent to neighboring and other African countries to promote the initiative both theoretically and practically.

For example, during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP 28, which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12, 2023, Ethiopia showcased its pavilions focusing on the Green Legacy efforts and other related concerns.

As part of National efforts also, last Ethiopian summer season alone, people across Ethiopia are enthusiastically converging at planting sites in their local communities as the country embarks on its monumental initiative to plant 600 million trees each day. This effort is part of the annual Green Legacy Initiative, which adopts the powerful slogan, “A Country that Plants; A Generation that Sustains!”

That rainy season, Ethiopia aims to plant a staggering 7.5 billion seedlings across 2 million hectares of land. As reported by the Ministry of Agriculture, approximately 6.8 billion seedlings have already been planted.

The Agriculture Ministry emphasized that the seedlings are carefully selected to match the ecological conditions of their respective areas, with the dual goals of enhancing soil and water conservation while promoting biodiversity. Over 120,000 nurseries across the nation have prepared the seedlings, with 56 percent comprising edible fruit varieties and the remainder focused on forest development and environmental protection.

“. Our goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from our overall target of 50 billion, which means we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle. For anyone who wants to leave a legacy for future generations, we must invest in the future today,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) underscored.

“Protecting and caring for biodiversity is not a luxury but a survival.” Like many nations, Ethiopia faces the challenges of climate change, including floods, soil erosion, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. The country’s commitment to this initiative has garnered international acclaim, positioning the country as one of environmental stewardships both in Africa and globally,” the Premier emphasized.

Since the inception of the Green Legacy Inititive in 2019, Ethiopia has successfully planted 32.5 billion saplings and is on track to meet its goal for the current planting season, which includes today’s ambitious target of 600 million seedlings. Last year, Ethiopia set a record by planting over 566 million seedlings in a single day, surpassing its initial target of 500 million.

As a result, a strong green culture has been established, leading to a significant decrease in deforestation rates and the creation of new forests. These new forests will play a crucial role in carbon sequestration as Ethiopia continues its efforts to combat climate change.

Ethiopia’s participation in global climate negotiations like COP28 and its implementation of domestic initiatives like the Green Legacy demonstrate its commitment to addressing climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. These efforts not only benefit Ethiopia but also contribute to global climate change mitigation and long-term development goals.

The efforts of Ethiopian diplomats in promoting the Green Legacy initiative should serve as a model for other countries worldwide. It is the most effective solution to combat the increasing climate crisis. Ethiopia’s involvement in global dialogues, such as the Global Dialogue Forum on strengthening the Afro-Asia Dialogue on Climate Crisis in New Delhi, India, highlights the importance of the Green Legacy Initiative in combating deforestation and climate change impacts.

The Green Legacy Initiative, spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has led to the planting of 40 billion seedlings within five years, resulting in a significant increase in forest cover. Ethiopia’s commitment to environmental protection efforts sets an example for the rest of the world to follow.

In the nutshell, practical actions are essential to combat climate change effectively. Countries worldwide must provide continuous support to initiatives like Ethiopia’s Green Legacy and fulfill their responsibilities in the fight against climate change. Ethiopian diplomats are expected to share their experiences, making Ethiopia a center of excellence for green revolution and contributing to the global goal of creating a greener world.




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