“Carry Your Own Burden!”

HIM: – It took you almost a full month to wash me a Happy New Year!

Me:- But, but…

HIM: – But what?

Me:- But how can I wish you a Happy New Year when You are the one who makes it happy for us! It would be disrespecting You.

HIM: – There you go again! I should have known what’s coming.

Me:- Sorry, if I said anything wrong.

HIM: – You know what I couldn’t understand about you people after all this time? Still you throw everything my way as if I have nothing else to do except look after you like all of you were toddlers who have yet to learn to stand up straight.

Me:- But what’s wrong with us pleading with you to make a new year a happy one for us? There is nothing more than happiness we need at present.

HIM: – Don’t you think that before you start pleading with me to do something you yourself should have made you should tell me about the causes of your unhappiness?

Me:- But you know more than us about that! You have been watching over us and we believe that since You know everything to know about us you could easily make us happier than we ever were.

HIM: – Who said I know everything about you? That’s where you people get everything wrong.

HIM: – But, but…

HIM: – But I am the only one supposed to know these things; that’s what you’re trying to tell me.

Me:- Yes, no worldly mortal could know everything about us. That is given only to You and You only.

HIM: – If that is your way of complimenting me, thanks! By the way I think I too have to compliment you. The fact you’re coming to you repeatedly indicates to Me that you people haven’t yet entirely given up on me.

Whatever troubles we face, whatever suffering we endure there is no way we’ll give up on you. And I believe me I’m talking to almost all my country people with the exceptions of some who even in the first place never knew what Your world means.

Me:- I’m flattered. Even your choice of words have become more convincing. Anyway, you see that’s where you people are wrong. You think I should know everything. Of course, I know everything there is to know of you are asking Me about much of the world. But I have to say with you it’s different.

Me:- Why is it different? I’m not trying to challenge you which would be the last thing I’d do, if I ever lose my mind! But I’ve to ask this, we aren’t created any differently from the rest of humanity, are we?

HIM: – Wait! Wait a minute here; why do I feel you people are probably talking behind My back accusing Me of having created you differently from others? Are you?

Me:- No! We aren’t talking about anything like that! How can we talk about such things! It means you’ve the lowest of attitudes towards us.

HIM: – I’ll ignore the last part and tell you how. You people have become a suspicious lot. You might know it because since you’re always in that state of mind you don’t take it any differently you’re your other natural habits say like eating and drinking. But the fact is that you are suspicious of everything and everybody. If you ever ask why your country is still struggling to make it up the ladder to the height it should be I’ll tell you it is because you’re so suspicious of each other you have failed in creating that, what’s it you call it, camaraderie. Tell you what and I wouldn’t wonder if you one day, for lack of any more person to point you finger at, you’d start suspecting yourself. I hope you wouldn’t suspect of losing My mind for saying that?

Me:- No! No!

HIM: – By the way today one thing I’ve observed about you is that you are becoming quite a good talker.

Me:- Thanks; hearing that from You lifts my spirits.

HIM: – That’s good. But I’d have a couple of things to add; but I’m afraid of bringing down your lifted spirits and I better leave it at that.

Me:- Please tell me what; otherwise I’d be…

HIM: – Suspicious!

Me:- No I wasn’t saying that.

HIM: – Any way being a good talker doesn’t mean being right or bring genuine. For all I see you people a down there have a lot of good, even very good talkers for all the wrong things. Wouldn’t you agree?

Me:- I agree. I agree a thousand times. I know many such people who are leading especially the younger people

HIM: – I have to say that you’re making Me a little more happier.

Me:- Really!

HIM: – Yes really; I see that you must have started looking at things rationally and I tell you that’s what you and your nation need; looking at things rationally. Ok, getting back to what you said about me making things happier for you. Why should I do that?

Me:- Sorry but I can’t believe you’re saying that!

HIM: – Why not! I’m not breaking any contract here; I’m not going against any of my words; or to use a word that should be more common with you people, I’m not betraying any trust.

Me:- But we have left it to you to save us from all our troubles…

HIM: -… and make you happy.

Me:- … and make us happy.

HIM: – Let Me put you in another way. You share one wall with a neighbor. And because he is not a nice fellow he damages his side and asks you to rebuild it. You would do it, wouldn’t you?

Me:- No! There’s no way I should be mending something he himself destroyed!

HIM: – And he should carry his own burden.

Me:- Yes! Yes! That’s a wonderful way of putting it. Let him carry his own burden.

HIM: – Then, that’s what I, too, am saying.

Me:- I don’t understand.

HIM: – Since there is no way I’ll be mending something you yourself damaged I’m telling you to carry your own burden! The New Year would get worse only of you make it worse. So it’s up to you to make it happy by not making it any worse than it might be. Bye!

Me:- Thanks!


The Ethiopian herald October 6/2024

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