Purpose driven innovation alleviating consequences of diabetes

Tsedey Michael was deeply sad when her grandfather who brought up her got cut her foot surgically because of gangrene induced by diabetes. Tsedey realized that the incidence was mostly resulted in from uncomfortable shoes, people with diabetes wear. This stressful incident thus, initiated her to find relief for not only her grandfather but for those who are suffering from such kinds of torment.

It is crystal clear that problems coerce people to search solutions through invention or innovation. As per this, Tsedey engaged herself in innovating comfortable shoes that make ease movement of people with diabetes. The innovation process, as she told the Ethiopian Press Agency is not as easy as dreaming to come up with because of various barriers. Innovation in its modern meaning is “a new idea, creative thoughts, and new imaginations in the form of device or method.”

Innovation is often viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated or existing market needs. Such innovation takes place through the provision of more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are made available to markets, governments and society.

An innovation is something original and more effective and, as a consequence, new, that “breaks into” the market or society. Innovation is related to, but not the same as invention, as innovation is more apt to involve the practical implementation of an invention (i.e. new / improved ability) to make a meaningful impact in the market or society, and not all innovations require an invention. Innovation often [quantifies] manifests itself via the engineering process, when the problem being solved is of a technical or scientific nature.

As innovation is a part of science and science in turn is the way in which people make their livelihood easy, and though world has gone long distance up to now, new innovations are being introduced to the real world from time to time. Paramount importance of new researches and innovations for the everchanging world is definitely true.

Though the initiations of researches and innovations are problems encounter human beings and their likely result is the solution for the problems, their exciting momentum manifests a giant stride human mind made ever. A number of people thus, put their hands on mouth with amusement in admiring such results of scientific researches.

Science and technology have dramatically changed face of the world mostly for good though there are threatening inventions like weapons of mass destruction and big disparity among nations those are developed and developing or under developed. Investing on science and technology in this globalization era thus, cannot be placed aside for choice but an obligation. It is the major reason nations geared their attention towards improving researches and strengthening the sector via various support.

Observing young innovators in Ethiopia here and there these days, one can forecast where the country will reach in the future. The youths are contributing their innovative works by self-initiation.

Among the succeeded and exemplary ones that carry out their responsibilitiesin this regard is the aforementioned young woman, Tsedey Michaele. She received her first degree in leather technology engineering with great distinction in 2018. Applying her knowledge into practice, she designed comfortable shoes for the diabetics and cancer victims. Her newly designed shoes safeguards the victims’ foot from being wounded that develops to decaying gangrene stage.

Aspiration to the innovation

As it is mentioned earlier, the incident happened to her grandfather has induced remorse in her. So that, though her grandfather lost his leg, she made intensive research to come up with a solution that helps other fellow citizens who are suffering from the same trauma.

The innovation she came up with, as to her, is all in all her own discovery that is reached at after successive vigorous experiments.

Recognition of the innovation

The young innovator, Tsedey, has received different recognitions and awards from different institutions. For instance, she has received patent right certificate from the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO), awards for best innovations from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Bahir Dar University, Association of Diabetics, Ministry of Health and other institutions.

Current situation of the innovation

in finance and materials. As per this, the innovation of Tsedey that has come up with better solution for many especially those who are suffering from diabetes cannot penetrate the market in a sufficient amount due to similar barriers.

Had it been manufactured in a factory with great amount and supplied to the market, she believes that many can be benefited such as the manufacturer, those who sell the products, the society.. Aiming to realize her dream, Tsedey is exerting her maximum effort to work with shoe factories.

Having in mind that science is the decisive means of problem solving and way out to prosperity, she calls on the concerned bodies to support and encourage the innovators in the way they become effective. Doing this, they can reinforce the innovation works to be improved and benefit the partakers in particular and the nation at large, she stated.

Among the challenges Tsedey encountered are inconvenient working environment, lack of experience, low attention and support for the research works at a national level. Proper attention for innovative works and testing their practicality is needed from the government side, she noted.

Message for new innovators

Anyone who is engaged into research and innovative work, according to Tsedey, should continue without losing interest and confronting challenges with determination. Especially young people need to demonstrate absolute determination aspiring better achievement in the field of their interest. Instead of looking for external support, they should keep up exerting their maximum effort using easily accessible local inputs, she stressed.

In line with this, government and concerned bodies should pay proper attention for the sector as this is the only way the country become self-sufficient in science and technology in the ever changing world, she suggested.

The Ethiopian Herald August 27, 2019


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