Meskel Demera: Ethiopia’s must see street festival

Ethiopia’s street festivals, such as Meskel Demera (Finding of the True Cross), Irreechaa (Thanksgiving Day of the Oromo people), and Timket (Epiphany), are well-known for attracting a diverse array of tourists to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

During these festivals, the number of tourists coming to Ethiopia from the four corners of the globe to learn more about Ethiopia and its religious and cultural richness through witnessing the unique, vibrant religious performances and public ceremonies presented on the merriments. Those visitors who got the opportunity to attend the open-air, colorful, and breathtaking festivals never leave without appreciating the magnificence of the festivals and Ethiopia’s unique religious and cultural potential.

As usual, tourists who came to Ethiopia from different parts of the world and attended this year’s Ethiopian Meskel Demera festival also expressed their feelings and appreciation about the celebration, emphasizing Ethiopia’s cultural richness and untapped potential.

Mark Blood came to Ethiopia from New Zealand with his family. Speaking to EPA, he said “Our stay in Ethiopia has been impressive. The diversity of Ethiopian culture, its history, religion, and natural beauty are breathtaking. The Demera Meskel festivity is spectacular, gathering a huge number of people together to celebrate.”

Mentioning that they had also visited Gondar, Lalibela, and the Afar State, Mark emphasized Ethiopia’s immense potential and expressed surprise at how under recognized it is in the West. “Meskel is a huge celebration with so many people. It is new to us, but we are learning and pleased to be here. I urge others to come without hesitation-people here are friendly, and safety is not an issue,” he added.

Chris Casabant, another foreigner attending the festival from the U.S., echoed similar sentiments. “The Meskel festivity is wonderful. We have spent a lot of time learning about the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and what stood out to me was the lovely chanting during the celebration,” she noted. Chris encouraged others to visit Ethiopia to learn more about its people, adding, “Everyone here is welcoming and friendly.”

Marika Griehsel, from Sweden, attended Meskel with 14 guests and expressed her excitement at being part of such a unique event. “It is beautiful to be here. We came specifically to experience Meskel.

This tradition is new to us, and we feel honored to witness it. There is no celebration like this in our country, and we are happy to be part of it,” she said. As a tour guide, Marika added, “I have visited Ethiopia several times, and I will continue to bring more guests here to experience this wonderful celebration and learn from Ethiopia’s rich culture.”

The Meskel festivity, marking the discovery of the True Holy Cross, left a lasting impression on the visitors. Marika concluded by expressing her hope for peace and prosperity for Ethiopia, saying, “This festivity truly celebrates humanity. We are happy to be here, and I will encourage others to join and experience Ethiopia with us.”

In the same development, tourists approached by ENA expressed their excitement. Jean Pierre, is a Belgian tour operator who attended this colorful festival. Pierre praised the beauty of the Meskel-Demera festival and pledged to promote Ethiopia’s rich culture and traditions back home.

Having visited Ethiopia multiple times, especially, notable heritage sites such as the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Simien Mountain National Park, and the Obelisk of Axum, Pierre realized that Ethiopia has immense potential for tourism development.

“I am working for a travel agency in Belgium and we are working together with local agencies. So, I try to promote Ethiopia as much as possible. So, we can bring more people to see our beautiful country [Ethiopia].

According to him, he has visited Ethiopia many times, mainly Lalibela, Simien Mountain, Axum and southern part of Ethiopia. So, he has learned that Ethiopia is a country that has a lot of things to show for the tourist sector.

Marikn Griehsel, another tourist from Sweden who came with fourteen guests, was captivated by the colorful celebration of Meskel Demera.

She described the music, the priests, and the large gathering as an extraordinary and unique experience, urging others to visit Ethiopia.

“I think that, in general, people should visit Ethiopia. It is a wonderful country with the beautiful city of Addis Ababa and many other places across the country. Experiencing this unique culture and scenery is something you won’t find anywhere else in the world,” she remarked.

Marianne Von der Esch, from the same country of Sweden, also found the Meskel celebration fantastic and incredible.

“I really think it is fantastic. We are so impressed and it is really incredible… I am so excited also to see not only the Meskel ceremony but to see the city itself.” she underscored.

Emanuel Garbin, an Israeli tourist on his part, shared his joy in witnessing the celebration, highlighting the unity and happiness of the participants.

“It is very powerful and feels very much a message of unity to see here people all around the country coming together to celebrate the holiday. It is very fun and very meaningful. And, I hope this day will remind people that we should always behave like this what one another celebrate and be united together.”

Garbin also expressed his surprise at the warmth and safety he felt while in Ethiopia, stressing that he enjoyed, impressed and felt safe like a family.

“I really enjoyed it; and it is very surprising. When you are here, you feel first of all how safe it is. When you are here, you are safe; everyone is welcome in. It is like a family. This is the feeling I get when I am here,” he emphasized.

Recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible World Heritage, Meskel Demera remains a powerful reflection of Ethiopia’s ancient traditions, drawing international tourists eager to explore the nation’s cultural treasures.


The Ethiopian Herald September 29/2024


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