MoA targets 50% of cultivated land with improved seeds

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has unveiled a plan to cover 50% of Ethiopia’s cultivated land with improved seeds within the next three years.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), MoA Crop Development Chief Executive Officer Esayas Lemma emphasized that the use of improved seeds is crucial to boosting agricultural production and productivity. To achieve this, the country is focusing on expanding land coverage for these seeds.

Currently, the coverage of improved seeds stands at less than 20%. The MoA has outlined a three-year plan, building on previous performance, with the goal of increasing this to 50%. To facilitate the plan, a committee comprising both federal and state institutions has been established.

Special emphasis is being placed on key crops such as teff, wheat, and maize, with the aim of achieving 100% improved seed coverage for these staples. The overarching goal is to increase yields from these crops while extending the plan to other varieties as well.

Esayas also noted that the initial supply of improved seeds from multipliers has been insufficient, but steps are being taken to address this issue. In recent years, there has been a notable gap in the implementation of improved seeds, particularly between federal and state institutions, and the current plan aims to rectify these shortcomings.

In the past, the total supply of improved seeds was less than 1.3 million quintals, covering only 20,000 to 30,000 hectares. This fiscal year, the focus is on significantly expanding cultivation with improved seeds, with a target of covering 148,000 hectares. So far, 75,000 hectares have been successfully planted with improved seeds, Esayas highlighted.

By increasing the coverage of improved seeds, Ethiopia can improve its food security, reduce reliance on imports, and create economic opportunities for its rural population.



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