Ethiopians receive 2017 E.C New Year

 Citizens should work hand-in-hand to build bright future for all: PM Abiy

Ethiopia will be ushering in the coming New Year with renewed hope and determination. As we are welcoming the New Year, 2017 E.C, we have to receive the New Year with sense of optimism and renewed commitment to progress. The concluded year was marked by both challenges and achievements for Ethiopia.

Ethiopians have to seize the opportunities presented by the incoming New Year and need to work together to address the nation’s challenges and build a brighter future for all.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) stated on his New Year message

 Last year was dynamic, eventful one for Prime Minister Abiy: PM Of

 The concluded year, 2016 E.C, was a dynamic and eventful one for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD).

Prime Minister Abiy was busy from overseeing the progress of national mega-projects and inaugurating key Prime Ministerial initiatives, to engaging with stakeholders across the country. Similarly, the premier achieved significant milestones in strengthening foreign relations during the concluded year.

Office of the Prime Minister

  Ethiopia’s sovereign prestige benchmarks our forefathers’ patriotism: FM Taye

Ethiopia’s sovereign prestige is drawn from the selfless and gallant patriotism of our forefathers. The sovereignty of countries have constituted in legal form from the II world war onwards while Ethiopia’s sovereignty has rock-solid historical background and has been handed over to generations.

Sovereignty is freedom and it is demonstrated by institutions and authorities solely vested by the people. Ethiopians all along the past have paid invaluable sacrifices to maintain its process of nation building. Ethiopian forefathers, through their gallant fight against colonialists, have made Ethiopia the emblem of black people’s struggle for freedom.

Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie, Foreign Minister of Ethiopia

  Consolidating past year’s achievements crucial: HPR Speaker

In the past Ethiopian year, Ethiopia has registered remarkable socioeconomic developments in various fields including in corridor development, tourism, agriculture, among others. Consolidating the past year’s successes is important to realize prosperous Ethiopia.

The fate of Ethiopia lays on the creativity, innovation and productivity of this generation. The youth needs to be determined to strengthen the overall developments and to attain prosperity of the country. The government of Ethiopia will create enabling environment for the youth to enhance their engagements in the socioeconomic and political activities of the country.

Tagesse Chaffo, Speaker of House of People’s Representatives (HPR)

New Year message

 Strengthening past successes to ensure peace and economic development: Adanech Abiebie

In 2016 E.C, a lot of achievements were registered in bolstering development, and in maintaining peace and security in Addis Ababa city and the country at large.

The 2017 E.C New Year needs to be the year that we consolidate and strengthen the past successful experiences such as economic reform and corridor development project as well as ensuring peace and self-reliance in economy. I wish the New Year to be a year that Ethiopia realizes all round sovereignty.

Adanech Abiebie, Addis Ababa City Mayor


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