Enterprises: Alternative approach to job seekers

 Aschalew Getahun and his partners provide ingredient for a domestic market like hotels and supermarket during the past 15 years. They started buying inputs from farmers and private providers to prepare ingredient and distribute to final consumers.

According to Aschalew, the members have shares of Birr 2,000 each, a sum of Birr 16,000 since the enterprise is officially formed. However, due to the existence of shad’s problem, they rented house expensively. Following that, two members from the group have withdrawn from the enterprise two years ago as they could not pay fees for rent.

As to Aschalew, Arada sub-city, woreda 05, has given a chance to form an enterprise because the members repeatedly request to obtain the shade. As a result, the current shad has obtained from woreda 05, five years ago while the enterprise has a capital of more than Birr  500,000 in the actual time. However, it does not mean that the enterprise is free from any challenges.

Particularly, the narrowing working space in their enterprise and the absences of foreign market linkage are the major problems of their enterprise to produce more products and generating currency from abroad.

He added that starting a business and establishing an enterprise are not a simple process; rather it needs commitment and patience. In this regard, they assume in mind ten years ago to establish the current enterprise. However, the enterprise is now fully engaged in its operation since the 2014 fiscal year. It is also on the right track and has embraced many workers, Aschalew added.

Preparing different furniture made from bamboo trees; Zerihun Tsegaye provides the product to the market when Exhibitions and Bazaars are opened three or four times in a year. His enterprise starts working during the past three months with five members who have gained training from an NGO.

According to Zerihun, a single chair could be sold for a minimum price of Birr 500 during the occasion periods. Although Bazar and exhibition have significance for introducing products and increase sources of income, it is not adequate by itself; rather it needs to find other alternative markets to ensure benefits.

Arada sub-city of woreda 05, has striven to reduce the challenges which faced on enterprises like providing shades and creating market linkage. But, it is a serious challenge yet. On the other hand, his enterprise has been working hard and struggling with challenges to succeed in possessing fabrics factory. For the future, it has a plan to create ample job opportunities for thousands of citizens, he added.

Abozench Negash, Coordinator of Communication at Federal Job Creation and Food Security Agency on her part said that taking business training is one of the priority things for anyone who wants to enjoy from the fruits of his or her enterprise. In this regard, the TVET has provided experts, ‘’Industries Extension Support’’ for enterprises that helps how to handle customers, save money, and get technical support, increase productivity and improve quality among others.

The training was also a significant role for enterprises that helps to run their activities and transfer businesses from small to medium and higher enterprises. However, it has some problem with regards to equip skilled manpower, escalate positive attitudes among the society towards job creation, and financing selves.

Particularly, the imbalance between the job seekers and the resources is the main challenge which impedes to create more jobs within the nation. To solve the problem, this sector has carried  out different research. On the other hand, apart from giving priority for furniture enterprises, many stakeholders including graduate students, women, and disabilities are now looking for an alternative solution to minimize the challenges.

She further stated that furniture businesses need capacity building training for trainers and the like to benefit more from the sector, besides providing job opportunities for youths and women across the country.

Since the current fiscal year is the end of GTP II, much effort is required to meet the target and attain inclusive growth. As part of this, the government has recently announced that three million citizens will obtain job opportunity at home and abroad. From the total amount of this, close to 1.5 million citizens will have the chance to get jobs in towns and cities, she noted.

The Ethiopian Herald August 24/2019


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