Lucifer’s Signature is all over the Place!

As the Ethiopian New Year draws closer, as the world gets even messier a few questions to HIM maybe would soothe us in ways no highly skilled psychiatrist does.

Me:- Don’t you think we deserve some good words as go nearer to the New Year and after all we’ve gone through over those dozen months?

HIM: – Are you asking or demanding?

Me:- Why do you say that? Was there some­thing wrong with the way I talked?

HIM: – Of course, there is everything wrong!

Me:- I can’t believe you’re saying that.

HIM: – Believe it, son, believe it. I’m saying this for your own good so that you will turn the binoculars towards yourself. And again believe me, and you’d wonder finding out so many things about yourself, things you never knew were part of your overall makeup.

Me:- But I was…

HIM: – Sorry; I didn’t raise that for discussion because I know like many of your country peo­ple you’d try to sound like some philosopher the world doesn’t know anything about yet.

Me:- But what is wrong with that? When YOU created us you have some philosophical genes and we just try to use them. As they say, there are bits of philosophy in every one of us.

HIM: – Where in the world did you hear such, such astounding? I don’t know what philosoph­ical genes you’re talking about. If there are any in you I didn’t put them there.

Me:- Who else could put them in us but you?

HIM: – Look, the problem is it’s only just now I heard about what you called philosophical genes. In fact, I didn’t know genes were charac­terized that way. Anyway, let’s get back to what you first said. You said something about you people deserving some good wards from Me.

Me:- Yes, that was what I said.

HIM: – Now don’t get all worked up but what makes you think I’ve any good words for you?

Me:- I don’t want to believe that came from you. Maybe the winds are messing with my hearing.

HIM: – Nothing is messing with your hearing. I’ll say it again. Am I in any obligation to have good words for you people?

Me:- Yes, you are. Yes, you are!

HIM: – Hey cool it down. Ok! I said there was no need to get worked up. I’ll tell you why I’m saying that.

Me:- Please do so; I can’t wait to hear it.

HIM: – Tell me do you people down there really have good words for Me?

Me:- What! This can’t be happening!

HIM: – Let me finish; now, I’m not talking about those dedicated ones who just can’t pass the day without praising and thanking me or genuinely asking me to help one way or another. And also they do it quietly without having to call atten­tion to themselves or even trying to advertise themselves. Most of the time their questions are genuine I try to help them and lessen or even destroy whatever the burden weighing them down. And I do it happily because I know they never turn their backs on me especially when everything seems to go well for them.

Me:- Then what are our sins?

HIM: – Sins! You said sins and that is an impor­tant step forward. Knowing that you sinned first and admitting it doesn’t come easy, especially with the pole inhabiting this planet. You know what makes me wonder?

Me:- “What makes you wonder?

HIM: – You have made such a complete mess of Earth and instead of putting it right you’re now hunting for other planets to inhabit. Isn’t what you’ve made to the beautiful earth enough? I’m not accusing you. But tic doesn’t give me comfort seeing you denying the reality that over the past several decades you have done more damage to this earth than all that has been done since its birth. Do you agree with what I’m say­ing?

Me:- To a certain extent, if you allow me to say.

HIM: – Come on and say it out loud. Tell Me in My Face that I’m blowing up things way be­yond proportions like you people have made a habit of.

Me:- No, that wasn’t what I was trying to say. Look at all the earthquakes, the storms, the natural…

HIM: – Hold it; hold it there. You still are not getting My point. I’m not talking about natural disasters. Though many times you have a hand in what are called natural disasters I’m not talk­ing about that. I’m talking about all the human tragedy unfolding all over the place; I’m talking about your bombs, your missiles, your drones, your poison gases; I am talking about the mil­lions and millions of innocents being mowed and blown apart because of your lust for power and your wish to subjugate and enslave others. I am talking about all the senseless things being done the enrich the few at the expense of the billions of poor. May I go on?

Me:- No, no need to. I perfectly understand what you are trying to tell me. But though what you said mostly is true we too face strong and unbearable daily challenges we don’t have the strength or the weapons to defend ourselves from.

HIM: – Could you give Me examples…

Me:- Well there are forces beyond our control that push us to do things we wouldn’t normally do.

HIM: – No, not again! You’re not to bring up that excuse I’m tired of hearing.

Me:- But I haven’t yet finished what I wanted to say.

HIM: – You don’t have to. Let me save you some breath. You are to tell me Lucifer is be­hind all this. Aren’t you?

Me:- Ye…yes I am.

HIM: – Again him! He must be a lucky fellow to be credited with all things he didn’t do. Don’t you think you people should sometimes leave that guy alone and take the blame yourselves? Don’t you think it is high time your fingers started pointing towards yourselves before you train them on others? There is nothing more brilliant than admitting mistakes because it’s only the solutions could come. I’m sure you’d agree with that.

Me:-I do agree.

HIM: – Thanks; I hope you’ll visit Me some other time. Then we might have more things to talk about since you people always come up with newer things that surprise me and even many times alarm Me. For now, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

That was what I was waiting to hear. Thanks!

And while we’re at it, is Lucifer’s signature present in all the bad and unholy things of this world?


The Ethiopian herald September 1/2024




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