The role of women`s engagement in achieving peaceful outcomes

The United Nations had recognized the role and responsibilities of women at the center of the international security agenda in 2000. Considering the fact that society particularly women are majorly affected by conflict, UN depicted that women must be seen as actors who can provide important resources and powerful voices of peace for the prevention and resolution of these conflicts.

Though the participation of women in mediation processes and the gender sensitivity of peace agreements have increased to some degree following the recognition of the UN, it was stated that the result was unsatisfactory.

As to the UN, the involvement of women represents a benefit not only for women themselves, but for the society as a whole. The Resolution urges therefore all actors to increase the participation of women and incorporate gender perspectives in all United Nations peace and security efforts.

Ethiopia has embarked on the first-ever national dialogue which aspires to resolve longstanding issues as well as reshape its political landscape two years ago. Apart from undertaking several activities, the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) has so far identified participants in ten states and two city administrations.

Recently, ENDC has begun gathering agenda from states and city administrations. Women, youth, farmers, teachers, associations, elderlies, are among the major segments of the society that are taking part at agenda gathering consultation phase.

With the understanding of the role of women in bringing peaceful outcomes, ENDC has given due emphasis for both women representation as well as participation. Besides being one of the major segments of the society, the representation of women in the other participants (segments).

As part of this endeavor the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission has undertaken agenda gathering consultation phase both in Harari State and Dire Dawa City Administration.

Participants that are taking part at the consultation phase put forth the issues that are raised by those who represented them and discuss with other representatives of political parties, government bodies, CSOs to gather their agenda.

Representing women at the agenda gathering consultation in Harari State, Fredos Abubker, Member of Harari Council of Federation, mentioned that Ethiopia, as the seat for people with different ethnic background, possesses different peaceful resolution methods that have served the nation for the past years.

Children, women and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are the major victims of instability and conflicts while women, on the other hand, have a unique character when it comes to peaceful reconciliation. History has it that they have been the major part of reconciliation and resolution that has been passed through generation.

Besides, they are naturally gifted in shaping their children and significant other. In this regard, they carry double responsibility. Women need to be beacon of peace. They need to seize the national dialogue as an opportunity to move towards to peace, she stressed.

Moreover, the nation needs to apply this indigenous knowledge in order to reach to national consensus; hence, the people need to capitalize on crucial issues that would meaningfully address the quest of the community, she added.

Hamilya Mohammed, Member of Women League in Harari State, on her part mentioned that the national dialogue would be instrumental to downsize the burden of women, children as well as PWDs as the most vulnerable segment of the society during conflicts.

Women have remained the major victims of instability while they could play a major role in resolving differences through dialogue, as to her.

Apart from raising children, they have the power to shape and advise their spouses for the better. Thus, women have to exert their responsibility for the success of the national dialogue.

Not only involving in the dialogue but they are also expected to advocate and lobby about peaceful resolution in their households, social gathering and events.

She further emphasized that there will not be any disagreement that wouldn’t be resolved through discussion. To this end, everyone particularly women need to take the lion share to realize peaceful discussion that would help nation move past its longstanding challenges.

For Melki Ali, women are capable of bringing peace to a nation. Cognizant to the fact that conflicts affects women the most, they need to play active role for the successful realization of national dialogue.

Dialogue is the best tool to settle ideological differences and it should also be the only option to resolve disagreements, she said. “That is why we need to seize the national dialogue as golden opportunity. We hold better stand in our family to shape our children and discuss with our spouses.”

It should also be noted that every Ethiopian need to exert responsibility to realize a successful national dialogue, she stressed.

“If a core aspect of mediation, negotiations and peace processes is to promote human rights, one of the best ways to accomplish it is to showcase in practice how it can be done, challenging any stereotype and ensuring that women are strategically placed,” according to UN.



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