Technological development dynamiting skills

 BY MEHARI BEYENE It is obvious that focusing on science and technology development will have a significant impact on bolstering countries’ economic development. Hence encouraging on science and technology innovations and facilitating... Read more »

Emphasis on controlling a public health threat: Malaria

 BY ALAZAR SHIFERAW Researchers argue that although tremendous efforts in financing and coverage of malaria control have been made, the disease has continued to be public health threat not only in Ethiopia... Read more »

DMU aspiring for center of excellence in crop development, agro processing

BY ALAZAR SHIFERAW Debre Markos University (DMU) says that it has been aspiring to be one of the top ten East African universities in crop development, agro processing by 2030. Thus, it... Read more »

Collective action, researches driving effective climate change responses

BY MEHARI BEYENE Various research findings indicate that climate change is a serious threat not only to Ethiopia but it is also for the whole world in general. It is expected to... Read more »

Modern technologies to improve yields

BY MEHARI BEYENE Africa, particularly, sub-Sahara, is not on track towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goal 2 targets to end hunger and ensure access by all people to safe, nutritious and sufficient... Read more »

Exploring enset, cassava as an alternative sources for potential industrial inputs

BY ALAZAR SHIFERAW In a recent interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Addis Ababa University (AAU) Department of Pharmaceutics and Social Pharmacy lecturer, Tesfaye Gabriel said that currently, he and his collogues have... Read more »

Digital transformation a key accelerator for sustainable development

BYMEHARI BEYENE As digitalization is a critical accelerator for sustainable development goals, many coun­tries have given due emphasis on hastening digital technology journey globaly. Because it’s a business-driven technology, it helps to... Read more »

Emphasis on promoting mushroom production and productivity

BY ALAZAR SHIFERAW New research, published in Food Science and Nutrition(January 2021), found that adding a mushroom serving to the diet increased the intake of several micronutrients, including so-called shortfall nutrients such... Read more »

Digitally empowered generation

BY MEHARI BEYENE – Digital technology has never been more integral to peoples’ lives. Coronavirus( COVID-19) pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many industries, from employment to education and from banking to... Read more »

AI technology can bring agricultural, productivity revolution

It is quite clear that globally agriculture plays a significant part in the economic subdivision. But, mechanization in agriculture should be the main concern and the emerging subject across the globe. Because,... Read more »