Science fair for inspiring young innovators

Science fairs organized for public and the society of science are believed to have an important role in developing science and in particular engineering in any country in the world including developed... Read more »

Ensuring sustainable land management

Currently, natural resource depletion, land degradation, and frequent droughts are challenging Ethiopia’s food production capacity. While the solution is to modernize the sector via research, doing so requires the application of proper... Read more »

Building Ethiopian coffee brand, ensuring farmers’ benefits

There are millions of farmers in Ethiopia who produce thousands of tons of coffee, making the country the fifth-largest producer in the world after Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, and Indonesia. Since recently, various... Read more »

Transforming pastoral communities’ livelihood enhances country’s economy

For pastoral communities living in the dry land environments and more arid areas of the country where it is challenging to grow crops, moving from areas to areas in search of water... Read more »

Improving production and marketing system to bolster coffee export competitiveness

Coffee is one of the most traded commodities across the world and it plays major role in Ethiopian economy. Ethiopia is the leading Arabica coffee producer in Africa, the fifth largest coffee... Read more »

Ethiopia, on the right truck in implementing AGGWI

This September, a high level meeting among the participants of the African Great Green Wall Initiative (AGGWI) implementing countries has been held in India and an agreement reached by the partners to... Read more »

Technology utility to boost national crop production

Innovation is more important in modern agriculture than ever before. The industry as a whole is facing huge challenges, from rising costs of supplies, a shortage of labor, and changes in consumer... Read more »

Africans creating synergy to spur industrialization, boost export

On Tuesday, Africa Free Zones Organization (AFZO) brings together the leading African economic zones and institutions at the headquarters of the Africa Union (AU) in Addis Ababa to discuss the development, management... Read more »

Sudanese hope Ethiopian dam will end flooding problem along course of Blue Nile

JUREF GHARB, SUDAN AFP-JIJI– The Blue Nile is a renegade river, according to Sudanese farmer Osman Idris, its unpredictable flooding swallows crops and houses as it crashes through Sudan from Ethiopia on... Read more »

Making Bole int’l port African hub

Bole International Airport is the busiest passengers’ transit station in Africa. The terminal serves thousands of travelers and tourists every day. For this reason, it has long been unable to meet properly... Read more »