Effective experience in pure water, sanitation service provision in Butajira and Hossana

Heriya Mohammed has lived in Butajira town, Guragie zone of SNNP regional state for more than 40 years. Heriya says access to pure water in the town has been unthinkable for several... Read more »

Debre Berhan becomes investment magnet

Different local and international investors acclaim the potential of a given country or city as a preferred investment destination citing the availability of suitable investment incentives, leaders’ commitment, and public engagement. Regarding... Read more »

Ethiopia’s export 10 year report card: Lots of improvement needed

The government of Ethiopia is currently in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned enterprises, and moving towards a market economy. The main aim behind this move is to generate much... Read more »

Sustainable Peace for investment: Investment for job creation, growth

Promoting peace and security is an essential foundation for sustainable development in fragile and conflict-affected countries. The imperative to address fragility, conflict and insecurity has become a central focus of global development... Read more »

The taxation system vis-a-vis investment opportunities

Since a few months ago, numerous consecutive discussions have been held in cooperation with the Investment Commission, the Ministry of Revenue, and the Customs Commission, particularly on issues linked with the challenges... Read more »

Inclusive urban development for job creation

These days unemployment has become one of the hurdles of the states due to the ever increasing rural-urban migration rate. Coupled with the recent price hike, urban areas have become unsafe environment... Read more »

Mothers’ led extension in averting stunting

The prosperity of nations begins in the womb of a mother. The first 1,000 days of life in both the prenatal and postnatal environment determine the destiny of human being. According to... Read more »

Strengthening export quality to boost Ethiopia’s competitiveness

Quality is a matter of fulfilling the direct or indirect formality and interest of a given product and service. Also, it is the result of a comparison between what was required and... Read more »

Ethiopia’s practical response amid Climate Change challenges

It is quite a while since climate change became one of the most pressing challenges of the globe. The stakes are high and the challenges of climate change are many these days... Read more »

Opportunities financial reform brings about

The East African Finance Summit was held in Ethiopia recently, which explored the situation of the financial sector at the continent and country level. Among the points raised at the fourth conference... Read more »