Enhancing SMEs key for bolstering industrialization

Researches indicate that the Ethiopian population exceeds 100 million, 70 percent of which comprises youths under 30. Among the latter, many students are graduating from public and private higher educational institutions. However,... Read more »

Ethiopia’s effort to attract more FDI

Ethiopia has a huge potential to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) since the country has a lot of untapped resources. However its performance in attracting as much flow of FDI is very... Read more »

Nurturing forum for collective growth

Urbanization is largely considered to be driver of national economic development. The government of Ethiopia has increasingly accorded focus to urban issues establishing policy and regulatory frameworks. It has also increased investment... Read more »

Augmenting production of irrigated crops

Irrigation is the first rung to ensure food security especially for highly populous and agrarian countries like Ethiopia. Using large scale irrigation schemes, India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Thailand are ranked top... Read more »

Opportunities to invest in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has huge investment potential for various reasons. The country is on the right path in registering sustainable economic growth which is among the top performing economies with average GDP growth of... Read more »

How to save a falling export trade

According to data from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ethiopia’s revenue from export trade has highly been decreasing. The gap that existed between the import and export trade in the last... Read more »

Action to realize agenda 2030, universal access to WASH for all

It is an open secret that the 2030 Agenda encompasses ambitious Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) targets, which aim, among other things, for universal access to Water, sanitation and Hygiene for all. In... Read more »

The age of global cooperation and Ethiopia

Background: In this age of globalization all people of the world tend to share common opportunities and challenges. But, why do numerous groups, particularly those in the developing countries, including Ethiopia, resort... Read more »

Utilizing innovation technology, backing national growth

“We have come to the verge of not imagining human livelihood and development of nations without innovation and technology,” said Dr. Eng.Getahun Mekuria, Minister, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, speaking at the... Read more »

iGuide: A new platform to assist investment flow to Ethiopia

Recently Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) has launched an electronic investment Guide, iGuide, to speed up the flow of investment especially from abroad to the country. The commission has launched the iguide plat... Read more »