Tapping the untapped horticulture potential

Horticulture is one of the sub sectors of agriculture that was given due attention in the first and second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of Ethiopia. The development of horticulture plays two... Read more »

Instilling healthy construction industry

The construction sector is the second most important sector in the Ethiopian economy in terms of creating many works for citizens and contributing to the national economy. The industry, following the country’s... Read more »

 Improving agricultural productivity via irrigation

Even though only about 2 percent of available land is being utilized yet with irrigation, studies show that Ethiopia has a potential of more than 11 million hectares of land that could... Read more »

Transforming pastoralists’ livelihood to back nation’s economy

Pastoral society occupies a quarter of the world land area which is predominantly arid and semi-arid and supports tens of millions of pastoral households in which 60% are found in Africa. Pastoralism... Read more »

Anatomy of GDP Growth Rate: The Case of Ethiopia

  What is GDP? GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product and is a pretty well-known economic acronym. It represents the value of all final goods and services produced in one year in... Read more »

 Privatization: Part and parcel of economic reform

Following the policy directions announced last June by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to fully or partially privatize stated-owned companies, the government now, as promised, directs a new order to begin the... Read more »

 Incentivizing diasporas’ engagement

Though the role of the government can break or make diasporas’ actual contribution towards their countries of origin, the community brings lofty blessings to their homeland ranging from finance to expertise. In... Read more »

 Undoing resource paradox

Prof. Fissehatsion Mengistu served as Public Policy, Legal and Tax Advisor to the Ministry of Finance during the last years of the reign of Emperor Haileselassie I. His professional life also included... Read more »

 Curbing illegal, substandard medicine, food products

The importation of unregistered, substandard drugs and food products has been a major challenge in Ethiopia for long. Though not fully successful, various efforts have been conducted integrated inspection on the medicines,... Read more »

 Africa eyes renewable energy transformation

Ethiopia has the potential of 45 thousand MW hydro-powers, five to 10 thousand MW geothermal potential, and 1000 GW wind energy potential as part of its rich renewable energy sources, according to... Read more »