Easing doing business: The next victory

It is unfair for this generation to boast ancestors’ victory over colonialism at the battle of Adwa while simply ignoring own responsibility, putting straitjacket on the service sector and failing to ensure... Read more »

Private sector for sustainable growth

For long, the incumbent’s position has been for the state to have a vital role in promoting economic growth. Though the private sector is given a lot of room, the state opted... Read more »

Ethiopia delves into nuclear technology

  Various researchers and scientists say that the world is on the brink of nuclear energy renaissance, and developing countries can benefit from it by moving quickly now. Ethiopia, alongside space science,... Read more »

Mining sector awaits more investors

  During Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I) period, the focus of the mineral sector was to create conducive environment for the sector and increase its economic contribution to the country’s overall... Read more »

Time to advance biotechnology

Scholars believe that biotechnology is the next internationally competing development outcome between countries. It would be a symbol of the development extent of countries as the technology by itself if modifiable to... Read more »

Optimizing benefits from Ethiopia’s untapped hides and skins potential

  Ethiopia has bountiful natural resources that could serve a springboard for its socioeconomic take off. It has a gargantuan number of animals. Heads of cattle take the bigger slice. According to... Read more »

Unblocking horticulture dev’t bottlenecks in Ethiopia

There are golden opportunities in Ethiopia for the development of horticulture. It is crystal clear that the nation possesses suitable agroecological zones, plenty of water alternatives, suitable climate, fertile soil and ample... Read more »

 Capitalizing water resource

Ethiopia is known by the water resources it possesses that provided it the nick name The Water Tower of Africa. However, the resources should be capitalized in the modern manner of water... Read more »

 To catch up with MICE

With vast potential to be hub of MICE industry (Meeting, Incentive travel, Conference and Exhibition), Ethiopia is ranked 4th and 73rd in Africa and globally respectively in the 2017 International Congress and... Read more »

Ethiopia’s response to climate change

  Africa contributed just 3.5 percent of the total global carbon emission from 1963 to 2018. A researcher sponsored by NEPAD uncovered that the effects of climate change will be far more... Read more »