Why invest in Amhara State?

The Amhara State consists of 12 administrative zones, three metropolitan city, 181 woredas (districts), and 38 urban centers. Whilst Bahir Dar is the capital city of the state, Amharic is the working... Read more »

Ethio-Qatar strategic cooperation in trade and investment

On Monday, the Qatar business delegation was hosted here at Hyatt Regency for a matchmaking event with the Ethiopian counterparts aiming at promoting Ethiopia-Qatar Strategic Cooperation in trade and investment. The two... Read more »

The lifting of tax to reward tanneries

As part of reform measures, the Ethiopian government has recently announced that it has decided to lift the tax on semi-processed leather export products. The primary objective of the decision is to... Read more »

Retrieving leather sector

Ethiopia has a cattle population of more than 53 million, and sheep and goat population of 25.5 and 24.1 million, respectively. This makes the country the 1st from Africa and the 9th... Read more »

Cultivating knowledge, skills to revitalize dairy, horticulture sector

Ethiopia, in collaboration with development partners, has been working diligently to capacitate its human capital in various ways to produce more productive citizens, create job opportunities thereby close the skill gaps witnessed... Read more »

Are 2020 WEF’s resolutions strong to combat climate change?

For the first time, the world’s elites meeting this year at Davos have listed environmental issues as their top concerns about the next decade. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) annual Global Risks... Read more »

Deploying horse show for tourism attraction

On the occasion of Timket Festival, the Administration of North Shoa Zone in collaboration with Sallale University had hosted a horse galloping contest. The contest was made in two groups. On the... Read more »

Religious tourism for economic development

Tourism in general and more particularly religious tourism is of paramount importance for a country’s social, political and economic development coupled with obtaining greater recognition from different international scholars and organizations. Ethiopia... Read more »

Banks helping modernize ECX’s trading system

Recently, the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) has signed a modern payment system agreement with Zemen Bank. ECX has been signing similar agreements with several banks operating in the country in its quest... Read more »

Tapping into agricultural technologies to boost productivity

Ethiopia has recorded fast economic growth over the past decade, with an average growth rate of 10.7 percent per year for the period ranging from 2003/04 to 2011/12. During this time, statistics... Read more »