Ethio-Morocco relations gaining momentum

As the Kingdom of Morocco is currently celebrating the 20th anniversary of the enthronement of its King, Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Ethiopia sees cooperation between Morocco... Read more »

International media gives wide coverage to Ethiopia’s tree plantation

Following Ethiopia’s successful tree plantation campaign on Monday, a number of prominent international media outlets have given a wide coverage to the occasion. The ambitious initiative led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed... Read more »

Sustainable development, structural transformation and entrepreneurship

Sustainable development is enshrined as a global goal in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the international community in 2015 as an aspirational vision to shape the development strategies and... Read more »

Geda System values quality-green dev’t

Dachee haadha hundaa Earth, the mother of all Dachee abbaa hundaa Earth, the father of all Sirra kaannaa sirraa nyaannaa, We walk on you and we feed up on you Safuu uumaa... Read more »

Ongoing projects brew hope to create more job opportunities

To reduce the rate of unemployment in the nation, the government has announced plans to create some three million jobs next year at home and abroad. Though the number seems massive as... Read more »

Cluster Farming helping Ethiopia transform agriculture

Ethiopia gives due attention to transform its agriculture especially after the implementation of the two consecutive Growth and Transformation Plans (GTPI and II) by introducing different modern mechanisms to boost its productivity... Read more »

Planting trees to achieve international commitments

Many nations of the world have signed the 2014 New York Climate Summit goal worldwide by 2030. As it is essential to evaluate progress performances after agreements, the reporter decided to provide... Read more »

Jimma University’s community service at its best

The establishment of higher education institutions in Ethiopia is to accomplish three major inter-related missions: teaching, research, and community service. Thus, community services and engagement is one of the three major pillars... Read more »

Amending the Investment law

nvestment is established in accordance with laws to make sure that it is properly registered and licensed and complies with the laws and regulations of the host countries. As Ethiopia is undertaking... Read more »

Ethiopia’s domestic coffee consumption as model for African countries

Promoting domestic coffee consumption and developing markets for all types of coffee would have an important contribution in improving the lives of farmers and the national economy as a whole. In Africa,... Read more »