Cup of Excellence gives bright future for Ethiopia’s coffee industry

As Ethiopia’s export trade mainly relays on coffee, the need to develop the coffee sector has become a matter of existence. Ethiopia has not yet effectively utilized its potential though it is... Read more »

Improving hotel industry development

Ethiopia’s hotel industry has been showing growth over the past few years. The government, with the aim to further flourishing the industry and boost up its economic benefits, has been working to... Read more »

Why Ethiopia needs a stock market?

Imagine a country where thousands are leaving their country in search of a better life, traveling across deserts and oceans without thinking for fractions of second about the consequences of doing such... Read more »

Ethiopians tackle the climate crisis with more than 353 million new trees

Citizens of Africa’s second-most populated country broke a world-record when they planted 353,633,660 tree seedlings last week as part of a national reforestation campaign. Thousands of Ethiopians took part in planting a... Read more »

China towards poverty alleviation

China is the first developing country reaching the poverty reduction goal successfully. According to a UN report, 76 per cent of the achievements gained in the global poverty reduction come from China.... Read more »

Honoring prudent leadership

Though there are several African political leaders who abuse power to pursue their personal gains, there are few prudent leaders who peacefully transfer power. They use their power to serve their nations... Read more »

Promoting sustainable energy technologies to address rural energy shortage

In many countries of Africa, data shows that a high percentage of households cannot afford the electricity connection. Among developing regions, Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for nearly 45 per cent of people without... Read more »

The man who retaliated flood by planting trees

Beyan Tesema is a Dire Dawa City resident, a city found in Eastern Ethiopia. He is a resident of Dire Dawa City for almost 36 years. On 29 July 2019 when all... Read more »

Glaring hope made by Amhara region in recovering forestry

Ethiopia, which was once known as densely forested country until the end of the 19th century had lately been considered as a one of highly degraded lands on the planet, which as... Read more »

Tech taking city’s transport to safety, comfort

Despite such options, the demand for transportation, in a growing metropolis like Addis Ababa, is far from being met. Besides, one ought not to forget that the capital hosts prestigious organizations like... Read more »