Planned Industrial parks: Ambitious projects demanding efficient operations

The last few years have seen a string of inaugurations of mega industrial parks in different corners of Ethiopia. And, with the country unveiling more ambitious plan to construct new industrial parks,... Read more »

Why Ethiopia is in the eyes of most for investment

Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa, with more than one hundred million inhabitants, following Nigeria, is attracting the attentions of the international community in various aspects; political, economic and social... Read more »

Ethiopia, stakeholders’ commitment to continental climate action

The earth’s climate is changing due to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that are emitted from various human activities. Particularly, the threat of climate change to the progress... Read more »

Lessening the impact of artisan miners on environment

Various geological surveys conducted on minerals in Ethiopia have shown that Ethiopia is rich in enormous amounts of mineral resources, industrial minerals, gold, coals and precious stones. However, the country did not... Read more »

Safeguarding parks from wildlife for sustainable use

National Parks are not only places where peculiar wild lives are found. They are also the lungs and hearts of the planet earth. No matter where they are found, parks and forests... Read more »

Innovation improving life of people with disability

United Nations data point out that about 15 percent of the people in the world are suffering from severe and minor disabilities. Among these, as the date reveals, 80 percent are dwelling... Read more »

Ethio-South Korea historic relations elevating economic ties

“Blood Brothers!” This is the expression that Korean and Ethiopian officials use when they talk about the relationship between their countries. These words also aptly describe the bond that Ethiopian veterans of... Read more »

Bamboo: The Largest Grass

According to evidences, Bamboo is known as the tallest grass that can grow as tall as a tree. Not only the tallest it is also the fastest growing grass by means of... Read more »

Why ‘home-grown economic reform’ is important

Ethiopia has recently a ‘home-grown economic reform’ agenda with an objective to solve the major challenges in the economic sector, and able to sustain the double-digit economic growth for the next three... Read more »

Focus to domestic tourism, travel boosts economy

Countries often tend to focus on international tourism due to the revenue earned through exports. However, domestic tourism remains the leading form of tourism, representing an important tool for regional economic growth... Read more »