Metal, engineering investment opportunity

The cause of civilization in the world is the transition of agriculture economy to industrial economy. The production of handmade crafts was replaced by factory-manufactured goods and transports from the majority of... Read more »

Ever relaxing investment climate Attracting Ethiopians living overseas

People living overseas, of developing countries, can be a potent force for the development of their respective countries of origins. Apart from remitting hard currencies, they could promote trade and investment, research,... Read more »

Biogas lighting rural Ethiopia

Biogas technologies provide organic fertilizer and sustainable energy to increase crop yield, supply households with safe energy and lighting. Previously, Ethiopia experienced energy and environmental crisis due to the sustained reliance on... Read more »

Reengineering nature for development

With Ethiopian population centers separated by vast distances, road transport infrastructure is critical to sustaining the country’s communities, growing strong economy and improving international competitiveness. The Ethiopian Government, through the Ministry of... Read more »

Generosity pays off

The day before yesterday, Hana could not get a full night sleep seeing that quite a lot of things were flickering through her mind. She was restless and inattentive. She easily got... Read more »

Support for development

A high-level delegation from Sweden led by Per Olof Olsson Fridh, the Swedish State Minister for Development Cooperation visits Dollo Ado in Somali State. Swedish State Minister for Development Cooperation, Per Olof... Read more »

Cooperation is imperative for an agreement on filling, and operation of GERD

One of the world’s longest rivers, the Nile cuts through eleven African countries with a combined population of 437 million. From headwaters in the Ethiopian highlands (for the Blue Nile) and the... Read more »

University-Industry Linkage helps for skilled man power

The main mission of Universities is creation and dissemination of knowledge for the betterment of mankind. Universities acquire knowledge through research and other means, to disseminate it through teaching, publications and professional... Read more »

Boosting market linkage abroad to exploit apparel potential

Ethiopia’s government wants to diversify exports from agricultural product to strategic sectors like textile and garment manufacturing.Ethiopia has long history in textiles and garment and based on the recent data, in the... Read more »

Investment on limited plot of land, creating vast job, gaining forex

“Addis Ababa City Administration is diligently attracting huge investments that can create vast jobs and draw great amount of hard currency; the investments can efficiently be managed on limited plots of land,”... Read more »