Trying to defame and isolate Ethiopia won’t succeed!

For anyone who has never heard anything about this entire Nile issue and the controversy which is surrounding it would be inconceivable for them to appreciate why on earth there should be... Read more »

Ethiopia’s ‘green legacy’, dilemmas in global climate change accords

I remember when I was young at the tender age of 14, my father used to complain about the sudden change of the climate in Addis Ababa. He was saying “the sun... Read more »

Peace, a decisive factor for development in the Horn of Africa

Noble Peace Prize winner, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and high level government delegation recently attended two state formation negotiations between Somaliland and the Federal Republic of Somalia in Djibouti. Speaking on... Read more »

Why people’s empowerment is the way out of the present political disputes?

The biggest and most important item on the reformist agenda of the transitional government in Ethiopia over the last nearly two years was the achievement of peace. For the last many decades,... Read more »

Towards everlasting and amicable relations between Ethiopia and Sudan

One may explain the relationship between Ethiopia and Sudan through a series of contingent factors whose relevance has been more conspicuous today that it is in the past. Among other things, the... Read more »

Clearing misconceptions in Parliament

A few days ago the Ethiopian prime minister appeared in the House of Peoples Representatives and answered questions presented by the MPs on current affairs in the country. These sessions of parliament... Read more »

Commendable efforts by the government to beat COVID-19

“Pick-up the phone in Ethiopia these days and you are greeted not by a ringtone but with a jingle urging the benefits of handwashing, social distancing and face masks. Churches and mosques... Read more »

Ethiopian starts the trek to the hill top in fighting COVID-19

Reports issued by the Ministry of health over the last two weeks vividly indicate that the spread of the COVID-19 virus is trending towards moving in the uphill direction. The rapid increase... Read more »

Trying to triumph over multiple challenges

During the past few months the country has been challenged by multiple critical issues. The Covid outbreak, the postponed elections with their impending constitutional impasse and the simultaneous GERD issue are all... Read more »

Easing off Nile tension through zeroing in on CFA

Ever since the cornerstone for the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was laid in 2011, every diplomatic effort to explain the benefits of the Dam to lower riparian countries... Read more »