Climate goals at risk If only rich countries adopt electric cars

Europe’s plan to phase out combustion-engine vehicles has put the region at the forefront of climate protection. Yet without progress cleaning up poorer nations’ roads, it won’t be enough to keep global... Read more »

Rich world’s pandemic selfishness won’t be forgotten

The failure of rich countries to share vaccines and financial assistance with poorer ones during the pandemic will exacerbate the rise in global poverty and could come back to bite them, Nobel... Read more »

No way for bindingagreement on GERD

 BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The stalemate on the GERD negotiation was unresolved for long because of the lower riparian countries’ adamant stance. Ethiopia, as a sovereign State, has the right to utilize its... Read more »

Failure to help poor countries fight Covid ‘could cost global economy $4.5tn

The world economy risks losing $4.5tn (£3.3tn) from highly infectious variants of Covid-19 spreading through poor countries where vaccination rates are lower, the International Monetary Fund has warned. Calling on rich countries... Read more »

Ethiopian and African American Bondage

 BY GETACHEW MINAS The Ethiopian and African-American bondage has been strongly welded together by the struggle for liberty. The Ethiopians had fought against fascism and African-Americans against White supremacy just to regain... Read more »

While Morocco is currently celebrating the Throne Day, Morocco and Ethiopia move forward with their diversified bilateral agenda

On 30 July 2021, the Moroccan people celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s ascension to the throne of his glorious ancestors. The celebration of Throne Day in Morocco is an... Read more »

The insidious maneuver of some international organizations under the guise of humanitarian assistance

Considering the current objective reality of Ethiopia related to the dire need of assistance for the displaced people in Tigray, the perverse act of some humanitarian aid organizations to worsen the situation... Read more »

Countries should reevaluate their stance again

BY STAFF REPORTER Ethiopia has been and still is a major U.S. ally in terms of fighting terrorism and related illegal activities that are of mutual concern. In addition its soldiers serve... Read more »

There is no difference between a Black Snake and White Snake – they both bite

BY ABBA TATEK That is what the first African American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said when asked if President Bush Sr. should appoint a black judge to the Supreme Court back... Read more »

International media worsens situation in Tigray by advancing armed groups’ agenda

BY KUNGU AL-MAHADI ADAM […] Dozens of thousands of Ethiopians gathered in Addis Ababa’s Meskel square to show support for the country’s military in its fight against the [terrorist] Tigray People’s Liberation... Read more »